As a European citizen: is it really a possibility for any US president not to do so? (Honest question, since from Europe US’s policy is seen as supporting Israel no matter what)
As a European citizen: is it really a possibility for any US president not to do so? (Honest question, since from Europe US’s policy is seen as supporting Israel no matter what)
There’s a sort of misogynistic that thinks women are superior to men (and I assume that’s the reason they “hate” women). Spanish director Luis Garcia Berlanga would an example.
What I see here is a cop trained to shoot to kill at the slightest chance.
I mean, if I ever visit this country and a policeman interacts with me I will pee my pants. Literally*.
*You know, like what “literally” meant in the old times.
Prison is meant to rehabilitate, not punish.
Is it? Not being sarcastic. In my country that’s what prisons are supposed to be to. But does it say somewhere in the USA “law” (quotes because I’m not sure that’s the proper word to use here) that states that rehabilitation is the goal of prisons?
No one showing love for ncdu around here?