Who are “they”? Child trafficking democrats? Oh, sorry, it was from another conspiracy theory.
No offense, I just think that the idea of some masterminds ruling everything from behind the curtains is a bit ridiculous.
Who are “they”? Child trafficking democrats? Oh, sorry, it was from another conspiracy theory.
No offense, I just think that the idea of some masterminds ruling everything from behind the curtains is a bit ridiculous.
Yeah, this scenario seems… feasible. I’ve read people were contemplating Obama to run for Kamala’s VP before Waltz was chosen. And this attempt would certainly end up in Supreme Court.
Russian Constitution literally had this phrase “A same person cannot be a President for more than two terms in a row”, so it was already opened for an interpretation they did. This actually had changed for just “two terms” in 2020, but provided another excuse for Putin to be elected.
Anyhow, in US Constitution the 22nd amendment says that “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice”, so there is no room for interpretation. Even conservative SCOTUS would not do that.
You can do 2FA with Keepass, just not TOTP. Add a key file or a hardware key on top of your master password and you pass “something that you have and something that you know” test
Natural teeth roots promote bone regeneration around them, while implants don’t. Therefore bone loss with age is worse around implants
The article says they replaced them with remote workers in India, I’m assuming with even lower wages
I’ve seen a concept of an airplane that can eject sections of it’s hull, each equipped with a large parachute. This can solve the problem of “how to put parachutes on each passenger including kids, disabled and panicked and teach them how to use it”. Also it doesn’t require the plane to maintain certain height, speed or angle for parachuting.
But of course it will add extra weight to carry, because not only they’ll need to install big parachutes, but also ejection system and something to seal off ejectable sections.
I’m running Nextcloud from a Turnkey LXC template that’s available in Proxmox. Runs solid, I have no complaints for performance or stability. But upgrades are manual and very involved. It’s not too complicated, but there is always something that needs extra attention or troubleshooting. I also wasn’t able to figure out Turnkey migration toolset that they suggest to use for major upgrades, such as to new version of OS.
I second this. It makes total sense - computer memory is a volume to be filled with data. They ain’t call parts of a hard drive volumes for nothing.
Try gentle, natural sounds in your alarm. Bird songs, sound if rain, etc. Many alarm apps have an option to start very quiet and increase volume gradually, that may help
I wonder if that brings changes to the membership tiers. I pay more for Executive membership to get 2% cashback, but if they will not scan my membership on the checkout how would they know how much I’ve spent?
Well, there is an opinion that homeless people would use all money for booze, tobacco and drugs, etc. A study like this helps to contradict such opinion.
But they have missiles, aren’t they? Can’t say it lead to nothing.
Absolutely. Government oversight exists for that.
Oh, that’s a very different discussion… if that housing institution would be elected, preferably on local level, then maybe it could be more accountable.
Why do you think that “ministry of housing” would not discriminate, not invade privacy and charge fair rent? I’m always fascinated how people believe that some government entity would act as a compassionate and just human being, at the same time bashing rich for being assholes.
Power corrupts. In capitalist society capital brings power, and in socialist state it’s bureaucracy. So here you have rich assholes, and when you switch more power to government you’ll get paper shifting assholes. Not much will change for people with no power. Probably it will be worse because rich people and their corporations produce valuable goods and services, while paper shifters usually don’t need to produce anything apart from more papers.
I heard that geo heat pump installation cost is very high. Did you do the math to see how many summers of $60 energy bills it will take to recuperate initial investment?
It’s not just a web front end. I would call it a software development lifecycle service. On top of repos for source code management there could be a bunch of services: Issue tracker, CI/CD automation, static pages hosting, flexible permissions system, even pull requests - all this is not Git.
Forge is a nice and easy name, but not sure if many people realize what it means or recognize that meaning.
Depends on what you want exactly. Easy and self-hosted are not usually go well together unless you’ve got enough experience.
Easiest way for blog - use a platform. WordPress.com is great and has free tier.
More involved, but still relatively easy - static site generator. I use Hugo myself, there is Jakyll that is popular too. Host it for free on GitHub or GitLab pages.
I would not self-host a public web site for security reasons. But you can run a static site on some cloud service. A personal blog with small audience should be fine on Oracle free tier.
I don’t think people want to vote for a party. People want to vote for someone who’s making sense for them, and looks like for majority it was Trump this time.
An “actual left wing party” must not only have ideology, but a sound plan on how to improve people’s lives and an ability to communicate this plan to people, loud and clear. Actually, as populists are now trusted everywhere in the world, the plan is less important than communication