I’m curious where you made the leap from examples of people making bad or incompetent decisions, which obviously happen every day, to racism, which is where you started in this conversation
I’m curious where you made the leap from examples of people making bad or incompetent decisions, which obviously happen every day, to racism, which is where you started in this conversation
What are these vague “weirder things” that have you convinced the story you made up is real
You yourself just said you’ve never even heard anyone saying the things you’re acting angry about. Who are you to talk about opening your eyes and ears when all you care about is inventing something to be angry about
I’m hearing you saying you’d prefer not to focus on reality
You’re saying you just made this up lmao. Try to focus on the reality happening around you my man
You have quite the imagination. Are these coworkers in the room with you right now?
Unfortunately, I think the parent commenter meant protection from something closer to losing your job for saying racist bullshit to your coworkers
Your entire house is made out of limestone? Or you have limestone veneer
We should go back to building things with rocks
Given Ukraine’s near-total economic destruction since its proxy war against Russia erupted in February 2022…
The phrasing of this sentence is just one example of pro-Russia propaganda in an article filled with it. Of course the US spins messages and creates its own propaganda, every country does this. It’s important to be able to see through spin to evaluate facts, but blindly eating up the propaganda of other nations just because you don’t like the story the US is telling is not a great take.
This represents 0.0036% of the USAID budget…
What blatant corruption?
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There doesn’t seem to be anything secretive or untoward happening here. What is he even alleging?
You’ve gotten a lot of advice on here, but I don’t think I’ve seen this…are you able to “suck in your gut” if you try hard and it improves how it looks? If so, it might not even be visceral fat, but just poor muscle tone in your abdominal area. If this is it, then core strength exercises are the way to go. Practice sucking in that gut more and more until it becomes the default, and strengthen your abs and obliques.
Costs compared to what? Loading up a ship on the Pacific coast and sending it around Indonesia and through the Suez canal and then unloading it in Europe and putting the cargo on trains there to the final destination?
This already exists and has demonstrated success, and does not pass through Russia or Iran. The Upper Corridor passed through Russia, but since the Ukraine invasion, much of it’s trade has moved to the Middle Corridor. Greece and Turkey don’t particularly like each other, but still have good trade relations and movement across their borders
If you’re an employee, you should have filled out a W4 when you started your job to indicate your tax withholding. You are able to submit a new W4 at any time
QAA has become one of my primary information sources. They’re at least good at making all this entertaining