Looks like perl, they send the result of a regex match in scalar context. IIRC that gets the count of matches of oo in foobar (1)
Looks like perl, they send the result of a regex match in scalar context. IIRC that gets the count of matches of oo in foobar (1)
No worries mate, the rabid anti Tesla people are out in force at the moment spinning bullshit so I have been a bit touchy
I’m orange pilled so I agree it’s bad, but I can’t see anything but aesthetics that makes it any worse than any other light truck commonly used as urban transport.
Sure Musk inspired it and set its target specifications and price, but it was Tesla engineers who designed it, Tesla factory workers who built it and Musk’s companies don’t seem to have suffered from his fall from popularity
Tesla doors lock when a key* has been disconnected for a short time while parked
* a key being a phone via Bluetooth, an RFID card, or a dongle. The card is disconnected if removed from the reader area (such as by a bomb going off). Phones are disconnected if too far away or if the phone or Bluetooth are turned off, dongles are disconnected if moved too far away or destroyed, for example by that bomb or the fire
The vehicle is most likely set to unlock in a collision, but in this case it was parked so it’s normal for it to lock when the key is not detected, that’s how “walk away lock” works
A habit? The are 27 thousand of them, can you find ten that have spontaneously exploded?
Every car brand does this. Tesla is pretty close to unique in allowing owners to opt out, but nearly no one does
Tesla uses attentiveness data as part of their safety assessment of drivers for setting premiums for Tesla insurance as well as to ensure the driver is watching the road while the car is driving itself
Can Tesla just unlock any of their vehicles thirdly and access the video
Almost always yes, but it’s the same for any modern car
Tesla allows owners to opt out of online services, in which case the video is stored locally briefly and Tesla cannot see anything from the car or do anything to it
Tesla employees got in trouble years ago for sharing sexy videos from random Tesla car drivers and passengers
So don’t do anything in or near a Tesla you wouldn’t want seen by randoms
I don’t trust Elon, but I bought my Tesla before he unmasked himself, while I saw him as the guy who made electric cars cool and rockets reusable, and I still think it’s a good, well made, and reliable car
My trust is increased by the recalls the cybertruck has had, as it shows the company is responsive to problems and of course it’ll have problems being a new vehicle with a new battery using new technology.
So sure Musk sucks, but I still like the cars and rockets
I don’t like JK Rowling either, but the Harry Potter stories are fine
It’s promising that a cybertruck can go through that and still be remote unlocked
The car would lock shortly after it’s key RFID card was removed from it’s reader or phone key went out of range or offline
They can always be opened from inside either electronically or manually
I’m pretty sure the vehicle’s warranty was voided when the driver detonated a bomb in the cargo area and shot himself, and they’re not telling us whether it was the blast disturbing the key card or the fire deactivating the phone key, anyway it’s interesting the vehicle could be remote unlocked after that blast and fire
I suspect the graph is missing a recent rise in usage of Firefox. I feel like Firefox became popular again in late 2024 which isn’t on that graph
I don’t like that your graph key indicates the pay line is in $US millions then the axis is in millions not units. Indicating that the values are in millions of millions which seems unlikely
It was fine until “the adpocalypse”, when advertisers pulled their ads because they were being shown with offensive videos.
While YouTube has been trying to fix the problem the quality of the ads has reduced. So many advertisers now only go through sponsorship, which doesn’t give any share to YouTube.
The door lock failing should just disable the self cleaning mode
I don’t think cheesecake is difficult
Mix ingredients - how long? Until they are mixed. If a thing needs stirring for a length of time the recipe will tell you
Beef doesn’t go golden brown when you sear it
Golden brown is the colour of cooked wheat flour products - things toast to golden, they don’t sear to golden
Framework still don’t have open firmware
I used to really like an apple turnover. Warm, with cream
You just wait for the right bit too be flipped and the wrong ones flipped are flipped an even number of times