What a coincidence, housing is also 300% more expensive relative to income!
Must be all that avocado toast…
What a coincidence, housing is also 300% more expensive relative to income!
Must be all that avocado toast…
I was going to say, this is how we get “I am Legend”.
Representives Omar and Tlaib would disprove that point.
Ok, that makes sense.
I still don’t see why they (Mozilla) felt the feature was needed, since if you’re installing an addon to manage tabs, that’s all on you, the user.
Why do we want to be able to hide tabs in the first place?
Anyone have that gif of Rupert Murdoch with a plate of cookies?
Found it…
Oh, if only that were true.
But what about that one guy who writes absolutely brilliant VB?
Regime change coming up for the sake of “freedom”.
Again, it’s “Don’t quote the troll”. Some of us learned this in Usenet in the 1990s.
Saying “This is bullshit” or “You’re weird” without engaging with their ideas stops the contagion from spreading.
It is, though. Studies in disinformation have proven this. This is why right-wing bullshitters are so eager to engage in debate: just getting the chance to show up and be refuted in a legitmate setting, like a major newspaper, gives them an audience for the ideas and credibility, that their position is one worthy of refute.
This is how we got the alt-right in 2015: by taking neo-Nazis seriously.
This is what the media doesn’t understand, and why fact-checkers are getting–correctly–rolled on social media. Every time you bring up one of these lies, even to fact check it–especially to fact-check it–you give it credibility.
This is why the Harris/Walz campaign’s tactic of ridicule is working so well. Instead of saying “No, you’re wrong about XXX because YYYY and ZZZZ”, they’re saying “What is wrong with you? You’re weird.” The latter doesn’t give the lie any oxygen.
“Liberal” doesn’t mean what many people think it means.
It doesn’t mean “leftist” or “progressive” or “humane”. There might be some overlap, but these are not the same things, despite conservatives trying to define them as such.
Yes it is.
You might not wish it to be, but fact-checking absolutely does amplify fake news, especially if you give details.
A simple “this story is bullshit” is all that’s needed
And now you, the mainstream media, are amplifying it and giving it oxygen.
It’s like y’all never learned the old Usenet adage: “don’t feed (quote) the trolls”.
And this is why the rich are trying so hard to get right wing governments elected worldwide.
They know they’re running out of runway, and the next few years could be their last chance.
I’m not saying the usual crop of centrist ditherers are great, but they’re better than fascists bought and paid for by tax dodging tech bros.
Reichstag fire moment.
I won’t say I didn’t have a bit of schadenfreude when Fort McMurray burned.
I agree, but to some degree, people own their government, and this government is, more than many, responsible for much of the causes of climate change.
I’d say the same thing if Florida sinks into the sea, or South Texas and Louisiana are swamped, or north Alberta catches fire.
Apropos of nothing, Saudi Arabia is the definition of a petro-state.
Chickens. Coming home. Roosting. Etc.
Hey, John Roberts, you know that thing that we all said Trump would do, that you said he wouldn’t?
Guess what, you numpty?