He didn’t answer the question though. Anyone can write the wire, but to truly see it? Now that’s something else.
He didn’t answer the question though. Anyone can write the wire, but to truly see it? Now that’s something else.
Your last statement stands out to me. Have you considered that it’s the way you interact with whoever you’re interested in? Rather than your looks? Are you nervous, self-conscious, whatever? I’m asking because you keep insisting that your interested in individuals out of your league. That thought would make me nervous. And on the flip side self-consciousness or awkwardness or nervousness or whatever is not very attractive. Socially it’s more acceptable to rejected someone based on looks though.
How you gonna take 3 weeks vacation when an iteration is 2?! And how you gonna expect any dev to do anything without a daily stand up??? You need to be more AGILE dude
It’s your prerogative to find them insufferable is what I meant to say. Your criticism and opinions are fair enough.
That’s a dick way of saying fuck off but I mean they do provide a free service. If they have a vision and don’t want to deal with random people whining about it that’s their prerogative. Same as yours to find that utterly insufferable.
Pickled applesauce just doesn’t go as well with water glasses of vodka.
They just want to make sure you’re fully aware of your death before you get to perish 😊