Oh ok. Sorry for sounding a bit harsh but it did seem to me the way you mentioned.
That’s a bad faith argument.
This way of binary thinking also has a Capitalsm equivalent. Some say Capitalsm ALWAYS end up in neo-liberal economies and with late stage Capitalsm with oligarchs and the death of the free market. For example oligarchs control most of the US economy and most economic policies are put forward with lobbying money. Is has become increasingly harder to start a small business in the US, hence US citizens’ tendancy to romantacize the Europe. If you say that Socialist movements ALWAYS end up in dictatorships then Capitalist moves should ALWAYS end up in late stage Capitalsm and the death of the free market.
In reality no contry is purely Capitalist or Socialist anymore. Otherwise the US wouldn’t put tariffs on Chinese cars to protect GM, Ford and now Tesla. A direct contradiction to free market policies. Meanwhile there isn’t a huge tariff especially for US cars in China. China ended up leaning towards Capitalism than before. Scandinavian countries absorbed a lof of leftist policies into their modern day government. Most of Vienna’s houses are government owned. Everyone has mixed policies because there are good in both Capitalist and Socialist principles. You just have to be implement whatever is good for the people and economy in a given climate.
It’s an incorrect example. For North Korea to be a Socialist paradise, it has to be Socialist first.
It’s like me saying the US would’ve been a Socialist paradise were it not for Trump’s presidency. It doesn’t have a base to construct a hypothesis.
Agree with some if your points but North Korea is not a socialist country. Their self proclamation doesn’t make it one in ths same way that I can proclaim to the the smartest person in the world without it being true.
Having democracy (voting rights) is a prerequisite for a socialist society. Some forms of socialism has a proxy government, but that government is elected by the people. The most basic requirement for socialism is a country where its workers decide on its production. North Korea is a dictatorship and has a command economy. Saying North Korea is socialist is akin to saying England in the middle ages were socialist. Both countries were governed by dictators and everything was decided by the kings court. We call that Fuedlism, not Socialism, don’t we?
Storied is the best! Dr. Erika seems to be someone fun to hangout with but you also learn from her while doing that even without trying.
Since Firefox is free and open source, there are many other variations of it built and distributed by the community.
It wasn’t because it couldn’t. Hari tried it and failed. Applying Psychohistory to only large enough populations was his compromise. This is mentioned in Prelude to Foundation. I think Hari specifically mentions how complex predicting weather is iirc. That’s why I mentioned it in the first place.
Butterfly effect. Even Hari Sheldon in the Foundation series couldn’t do that.
Time to elect better politicians.
Yeah sorry, I meant registers.
It means that no question will be considered stupid and your intelligence/experise will not be judged. So feel free to as any question as long as you’re sincere and serious.
What do you mean by regular target? I am either yanking from the OS buffer or yanking things from 2 different buffers. Or I have 2 macros where they yank from different buffers.
Buffers are great. Comes very handy when creating macros in vim.
Shout out to Utopia!
Web is by definition decentralised. I can run a website on my home PC and it’s part of the internet. Web3 is about running Blockchain. They are two independent concepts imho. When it comes to Web3, my opinion of it is “meh”. It’s a buzzword more than anything.
Good. Maybe experiencing this kind of thing first hand will change her and her colleagues’ views.
What were you trying to say with this then?
It’s not better because your offset time is much granuler and hard to calculate in your mind than timezones. And it doesn’t offer anything new over timezones. Since you suggested it, you must see a benefit. What is it?
How is it better?
But if you inhale through the mouth as the alternative, you’ll directly track the viral load to the lungs which also had mucus and the viral load would multiply there instead. So take your pick. At least the nasal passage has some defences.