i use this logitech mini bluetooth mouse with silent click for travelling / writing minutes at meeting
He/Him 💕 Things I like: fountain pens, kilts, drawing/painting, tech/progrming, mandolin/music/barbershop singing, Hiking, skinny-dipping in forests
i use this logitech mini bluetooth mouse with silent click for travelling / writing minutes at meeting
I’ve only heard of the creator making official statements a few times - but they were all like “im the only person in the world making a game that completely innovates its genre every time” and “my remaster is selling like dog-shit”
I took one videogame design class, and the lecturer was like - this guy is a massive douche, but his game is amazing, so he’s allowed to be~
I’ve been getting a shiny pokemon team ready for Black/White remakes that will come out one day ~ (shiny-egg-trading on the 3DS)
also swap-doodle on the 3DS - though I’ve been carrying it in my pocket for a few weeks in Sydney, Australia and haven’t street-pass’d anyone since 5 years ago (one person) the rest, 6 years ago @_@
Add me and trade hand-drawn postcards n__n 33/M/Australia name: Pushka Friend-code: 1822-1028-6857 (reply with your FC
Me when playing this game for the first time on the switch
I used to use Ocarina item-get, and majoras-Mask fairy flying into your shirt or heart get, but loving the sound quality of the latest 2 games ~ ringtone is the lucky-gazette and alarm is dragon theme https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzvKevdPWBqGd0h5X1o5ekdVSlk?resourcekey=0-iY02_S2jnjMDE_0QeVl2lg&usp=drive_link
I use the background-drum-sound as my sms / message tone n__n
Sponsored by Game-Pass ~
They probably did a user survey and found out that moving windows to a subscription would cause 100% of users to switch to Mac / Linux
if you have /ever/ had a disney+ account~ 🕊️