It’s funny seeing this thread with it’s descriptions written as if describing the traditions of some long-gone ancient civilization.
It’s funny seeing this thread with it’s descriptions written as if describing the traditions of some long-gone ancient civilization.
Not even knowledge, attentiveness. It’s so easy to overlook issues with AI written code vs writing it yourself and having to come up with the process. Just today i had this happen, cost me a day of extra work because i missed something in chatgpt’s great looking code.
Well, you’re missing out. You want a show with an accurate portrayal of hacking and tech culture? Good luck, it doesnt exist. But at least this show tries to use legitimate tools and techniques used in the real world.
It’s also not what makes the show interesting though. I can understand if it’s not your thing but this scene should not be the deciding factor.
Mr Robot. Rewatching it now and x-files rewatch is next on the list.
Maybe Lost but you gotta kinda vibecheck if it’s your thing.
And Stranger Things also has the whole mystery vibe going.
It’s quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. In most situations, it’s the prefered option because you can just have your docker container, choose where relevant files are allowing you to properly isolate your applications. Or on single purpose servers, it makes deployment of applications and maintaining dependencies significantly easier.
At the very least, it’s a great tool to add to your toolbox to use as needed.
I miss the simpler times of PHP and jQuery
It’s a process. There certainly are a lot of scams, and correct regulations need to be in place. It is a tool used by people who do harm, though it is not the cause of harm. At the same time, it’s helped a lot of startups innovate in non-traditional ways, and i think a global and affordable currency that is not tied to the local currency has the potential to help a lot of people. Ethereum in theory should be more stable in terms of price as it keeps being minted and destroyed trough use of the blockchain. You can speculate with it, or the ERC-20 tokens in it’s ecosystem. Ledger size is an issue i’ve had to deal with myself setting up a node, but it’s also an issue that can be fixed in several ways if it looks like it could become a significant enough issue, as they did with PoW to PoS.
I think it’s hard to measure what good and bad crypto is done when you only hear about outragous corruption and crime but not how the everyday person uses it. I use it in a way that helps myself and others and I’m no north korean drug lord scamming people.
I agree, BTC is awful. But I also think its just a starting point for something that has the potential to become much better.
You can exchange it for goods and services in the same way as the dollar. Which is the goal of it in the first place. Disregarding the cost for the sake of this point, it functions in a similar way as the dollar, which you could argue is also just used for speculation, but it would be equally inaccurate. Then there is describing bitcoin as all of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, which is also incorrect. It’s an evolving technology, and the system bitcoin uses is legacy and expensive, and is currently being kept alive by being the first in the space, money interests wanting to keep it dominant because of investment and a horde of cultlike followers. However, in the ethereum ecosystem, transactions keep getting cheaper through layer 2 protocols and upgrades to the system. It uses proof of stake which is vastly cheaper. I think there certainly are valid arguments against cryprocurrency, but the stuff everyone keeps NPC copypasting is generally nonsense.
Ok thats not even remotely accurate. wtf is this clickbait shit. You can argue that bitcoin is bad for the environment but if you’re gonna invent statistics at least make is plausible.
That doesnt sound like a good reason. What other reasons could you possibly have to do copypasta backups over what you can at least use as a diff based backup letting you still access any old version you want
Population collapse for the human race isn’t so much a problem, we’ll weather through it as a species. For an economy, population decline is very not good though. You need working age people to support the young and old, as well as everything else your taxes go to.
Hetzner storage server. like 24 dollars a month for 10tb
yeah thats what im taking away from this too… you dont just rm -rf shit in any application without some good ass verification from the user
yeahh… maybe not the point you wanna make
yep, just in case theyre hiding a terrorist or pedophile up there.
True, but my brain is too wired to VS2022/VSCode and i experienced slightly too much wonk whenever i try jetbrains stuff. I do think its is slightly worse in some ways but better in others. It is paid, but quite affordable. only downside is, when you inevitably move to other languages, youll have to get the jetbrains IDE for whichever language you want to use, whereas with VS, most keybinds and whatnot are transferrable to VScode. I do not enjoy VScode at all, but it is the best ide that covers all languages unfortunately. And what i’vs come to learn is that its much more productive to deal with it in exchange for the language support you get for literally everything in vscode.
.NET is better than ever wdym