That’s a lot of rationalization with no facts to back it up.
I, honestly, have no idea what you are talking about. Which facts would you find relevant in a philosophical discussion on morality?
I’m getting a “well ackchually” vibe from your comment.
I am sorry you feel that way, that was not my intention.
If I put a mouse on the ground next to a flower and told you to stomp one of them to death, You would be comfortable with either option equally?
Honestly I find this example a little comical because I think most people would definitely choose to rid themselves of the pest and keep their pretty flower. However, I do understand your sentiment. I don’t think my personal views really matter, but I have some rough hierarchy of living organism ordering how highly I value their interests. For example, I think a human is more important than a mouse to me, so I would rather kill a mouse than a human, if I had to choose. Similarly, I think a hare is more important than a flower, so I would rather kill a flower than a hare.
You’re making a lot of assumptions about my beliefs in your comment.
I am sorry, I have incorrectly conflated your comment with that of the original.
I do not believe any animal has more right to life than any other animal. With that said if you are in the woods trying to survive like our ancestors then your biological needs take priority, you can’t survive on plants in winter.
These to statements are completely contradictory. You are more important than other animals, thus you sacrifice them for you own survival. If you have no more “right” to survival than a hare, how is it ethical to kill it to ensure your own survival?
This is like saying it is okay to kill a lonely person with no friends and family, as long as it is an instant death.
I don’t agree with you that suffering is the single center concept to base your moral judgement on these issues. Not all living things that i care about are able to suffer, and I do not care about all living things that do suffer. I do not care that i cause a mosquito suffering by killing it (wounding it), if it is sucking my blood, or even just being annoying when flying around me, because I value my comfort above its existence (and suffering). I expect you do the same? This is speciesism.
Except we both agree that racism is wrong. We do not both agree that speciesism is wrong.