Looks just like Elite Dangerous had a graphics update.
Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.
Looks just like Elite Dangerous had a graphics update.
You haven’t been in the internez lately.
Nothing here has any value. Everything needs a fact check and everything can be faked, even fact checks.
Zoidberg, nooooo!
As long as most of us play zero sum game and capitalism is the only system that works, world is goin to shit. Number of years or decades don’t really matter.
Lucky. At leats you have a chance. Here sun hardly sets during that time. It’s blue skies most of that time.
Just a thought. If you just have a preliminary motion and your travel velocity is due to warping of space, wouldn’t objects caught in your warp field just move with you till they exit?
Any intelligent AI would probably see meating other sentient species as unpredictable dice roll that has a too many ways to end catastrophically. Best odds are just to made the parent civilization undetectable.
I thought it tasted funny.
Some of those were dangerous as hell and we won’t see them in consumer use ever, unless somebody wants a very expensive frag grenade.
“Belarus” isn’t really a problem. Lukashenko is the problem. They already tried their best to get rid of the little turd, but Russian forces rolled on the streets.
If we don’t alienate people of Belarus and Russia becomes weak enough, maybe they’ll take our the garbage and stop renting their bumhole to Russia.
Iran is really busy starting shit up. Making west put up their guard and decreasing arms export to Ukraine. Pretty sure Putin is just around the corner pulling strings.
There was a study some time ago that determined that it is more common for men to build mental 3D maps of their surroundings. Women navigate more commonly like bees by landmarks, direction and distances.
Mental 3D maps are better, but excessive. Affinity for men to do this is probably due to hunting and warfare.
Edit: Unable to find a link.
Aww. China invading Taiwan with Super Soakers.
Yes, but his sons were running everything then and he had nothing to do with that and didn’t financially gain anything from those /s
Is he deliberately trying to be a clown?
Sorry. Can’t really hear anything behind all those slaughtered Syrian citizens.
You mean Urectum
Russians play the long game.
Republicans used to be their main political opponent in the world. Although cold war ended and relations changes, it doesn’t mean that behind all those smiles their end strategy has changed.
They probably collected every “pee tape” there is and pushed every corruption dollar there was to push to make republicans their bitch. Because thats what they do.
Cleansing the people? Thieves, rapists and murderers. Ethnic minorities that might rebel at some point…etc. In the era of social media it’s also easy to find potential political dissidents.
For example. Stalin had a warm place in his hart for Ukranians. When Soviet Union attacked Finland in 1939. It was mostly Ukranians. Wave after wave towards Finnish machine gun emplacements. No real tactics. Those who retreated were shot.
More like personel head count optimations.