Wall Street bets regards linked to an evil admin attack? 😕
Wall Street bets regards linked to an evil admin attack? 😕
Large language models are going to replace search. Naturally concise recommendations are easier for humans to interact with than a swath of web pages. The problem that you get here is this is going to disincentive the creation of new web content outside of the walled gardens we already have. The walls are just going to get higher.
Abso lutely. Microsoft and Google basically have a duopoly on corporate email and no one seems to care. I know this does seem relevant but trust me it is.
I think Nintendo is dancing into dangerous territory here. I have a feeling this thing is going to be loaded with anti-features here specifically designed to curtail modding, piracy, and even unlicensed peripherals. The games themselves are going to get HD re-re-eleases and Nintendo will charge you full price again for the moderate upgrade.
The same reason a movie theater owner can’t show Pee Wee’s Big Adventure every weekend. Value is derived from exclusivity. Exercising your “rights” to a work means preventing anyone from having access to the work unless you are paid when and how you want.
Depends on the usage. That’s the gamble you take. I would maybe buy three and put two in a mirror and keep the third one as a replacement?
That’s 240$ for three drives without warranty though… Nevermind I’d prefer to buy two new Toshiba X300 new for 210$ a piece and forget the headache and get the warranty.
Sometimes you get what you pay for … Sometimes
It is unfair, it’s just not “suddenly”.
I don’t think it’s about EVs. My understanding is that it’s about protecting American auto manufacturers from “unfair” overseas competitors. There is a history here.
:: incoming semi-coherent rant::
Volkswagen was one of the first auto manufacturers to come to the US back in the 1950s. The us government set up a framework that allowed foreign manufacturers to establish themselves in the states. This was supposed to help the economy by making sure the cars sold here were manufactured here and abused by a set of standards the governing bodies set up.
Well eventually the Japanese got into the game and when brands like Toyota established themselves as cheaper and better than anything you could buy in America, the American car companies lobbied against it and won. This put a soft limit on how many cars could be imported from Japan (which in turn hurt Japan’s economy). At the time there was a lot of sentiment going around that the Japanese were taking people’s jobs so it actually was a very popular decision at the time (which seems weird because everyone was driving their cars).
Furthermore in the 1980s, people started importing and selling used cars from Europe. This hurt the auto manufacturers deeply as they could not compete with used luxury cars like Mercedes imported from Europe at those low used price points. This is why the auto manufacturers lobbied for a 25 year ban on the import and sale of cars (though they claim it was for safety, it was really to kill the grey market for imports).
The Truth is that a lot of other countries also followed the US in these Bans. Canada has the 20 year import ban and Europe has their own set of regulations.
Chinese cars and EVs will come to the West Eventually but first they’ll come under the names of brands that are already here like Volvo. You won’t see a Geely branded vehicle for a while unless they open up a Geely of America branch and begin shipping their parts here for assembly. This however will prevent them from having as much as a competitive edge in the US because labor is more expensive in the states than China and South East Asia.
Do they want you to transition to EVs? Yes. Do they want it to be cheap? No.
Rem4 has the energy of a movie that was made because James Cameron walked into Capcom main offices, met with the presidents, stood in front of a whiteboard and wrote “Resident Evil$” making sure the s was notably a big red dollar sign $. Everyone applauded and then they made whatever the hell they wanted.
and I love that about it.
(Note: this is basically how we got the move Aliens 1986)
Thank you for this. I’ve been walking around saying “Why did they remake mean girls?!”
Guess I’m the jerk on this one …
TwoBeetle TwoJuiciest
I love Highlander 2 for this! Nightmare on Elm Street 2 had the same problem, just ignored the canon completely. 10/10 bad movie, will watch again.
Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd.
Hear me out. I love Sweeney Todd but these people didn’t know it was a musical. About 15 minutes in one guy said “Are they going to sing the whole time?!”. More than a few people got up and left and I honestly had never seen that before.
I guess the marketing for it at the time just completely left out that it was a musical.
Don’t worry, Nintendo will make a switch 2 and all the problems will be fixed!
I agree. A digital file is written to disk yet has no second hand value because of the nature of replication. Your books have value after you’ve read them because it’s not easily replicated and has more value beyond its basic consumption. It can be collected, displayed, traded, burned… It has all sorts of intrinsic value beyond the words on the page.
It’s as if the printing of the media to a physical device in the end provides you a solid copy but not the rights to the work contained inside of it. You’re not allowed to modify and distribute those works as that violates copyright.
I feel like the individual ownership of physical media actually protected copyright and now in the digital era, the lack of ownership is subverting its own purpose. We as a people never understood or acknowledged the implicit agreement that came with the acquisition of our books and DVDs. We ignore all the legal messaging and even made fun of it. We laughed when we realized “How could they ever enforce this?!” And so we didn’t care.
Now here we are, learning in real time how it will be enforced.
This 💯🔥
I’m at the stage where you stop complaining about videogames and you just stop buying them.
I’ve realised that all the people who worked in the videogames industry that made it special have either sold out, dropped out, or aged out at this point. Keep your expectations low my friends.
I’ve been trying to capture this idea for years! I’ve been trying to explain to my friends and family that we’re all susceptible to this “magical delusional thinking” that somehow we believe we are immune too when in fact we are not.
Thank you Abigail for finally giving me the word that captures the idea to provide me mastery over it!
This is funny. I feel like I see a “which arch is better” post almost everyday now.
A lot of people I think would be well suited to be on Bluefin or Bazzite. I really can’t sing the praises of it enough. It has a ton of well developed resources and the Appstore is flatpak centric. It really does give you that ChromeOS like experience for the average user.
End users should really be nowhere near package management. They should just be able to run the apps they want and expect them to work.