Black vinegar and dark soy sauce. I started fiddling around preparing more chinese/asian foods and these Sauces just have SUCH depth and strong flavor, I love it
Black vinegar and dark soy sauce. I started fiddling around preparing more chinese/asian foods and these Sauces just have SUCH depth and strong flavor, I love it
It’s like night and day…I don’t even think the kraft stuff is parmesan at all really. Still bomb on pizza though
Ever since I worked at a hippie grocery store and was taught about what GOOD fresh organic food looks like and tastes like, it’s impossible for me to go back to things like that, or frozen bags of green giant veg, or pre sliced or shredded cheese and so on. I’ll still eat frozen pizza and nuggies and fast food but as far as cooking for myself, never again
There is, an old friend of mine posted a ridiculous video about it on instagram…sure, there MAY be side effects to using sunscreen (not sunblock) that have turned up inconclusive in studies, but it has been proven that sunscreen and sunblock are VERY effective against skin cancer.
It’s just like the “covid vaccines can have an extremely small possility of side effects so I’d rather get long covid and DIE!!”
I was watching this classic the other day
Hey I probably wouldn’t know this if I wasn’t heavily left leaning with an interest in learning about anarchism/communism along with having a pretty radical community that I’ve participated in. Mainstream politics, no matter how balanced they are, give no nuance at ALL. I searched for “antifa origins” and it took 3 pages of the search for me to even start scraping past US propaganda about the movement. In order to even find this source, I had to search for “antifa origins it’s going down” because “it’s going down” is a very radical leftist publication that I figure would have a countering narrative…All that to find a Smithsonian article lol.
Zima made a comeback 6-7 years ago; I will attest that it was not good. Gimme White Claw or gimme death
I was gonna say kombucha as well, the experience of drinking it is kinda similar?