That’s a valid point indeed.
That’s a valid point indeed.
At least an integrated modem wouldn’t set my local network at risk. They might still collect sensible data with microphones, cameras and share usage profiles etc. But from my perspective that’s at least technically decoupled from other devices.
Package loss due to a broken bus system
Sounds a bit random but overall not too bad. Sign me up for that!
Always appreciate any work spent on any FOSS stuff out there but currently I’m a bit afraid that Gecko disappears into unimportance. So I’d prefer more contributions towards that one project rather than opening new ones.
The issue with browser engines is that it always requires work from two directions. The browser engine must be optimized to render websites as good as possible. And websites must be optimized to be rendered by all the different browser engines.
And (almost) no one is willing to do the latter for engines with a <1% market share. Already now, more and more commercial and non-commercial websites are only working properly with Chrome or its derivates.
If we say that the SSN database internally only stores numbers today, but could also store hexadecimal values without significant redesigns, I would assume that SSNs are stored as text already. So no matter if you put numbers, hex or text, 9 places will always use 9 bytes (assuming it’s ASCII only and doesn’t support UTF-8 etc.).
Furthermore, the post implied that the current technical limit is 999,999,999. That very much sounds like a character data type to me. Otherwise, the limit is usually something like 2^x.
If SSNs are stored as numbers today, then hex and text would lead to quite some change. If you go for a re-design, you can as well just increase the length of the field.
Why stop at hex? You could use the entire alphabet. Even if you take only uppercase letters and numbers, we are at 36^9 possible numbers. If we include lowercase and special characters from ASCII, we can go much further.
I tend to enjoy such math issues but I guess I have to wait for ELI5 YouTube video to explain me the issue and potential impact of the solution.
I like this definition the best. If someone is making a super complex sandwich with many ingredients and passion, then I’m fine to call that cooking. Same with a cold soup, a cous-cous salad or a fancy appetizer. Many dishes in top notch cuisine are served cold. In molecular kitchen, there’s even stuff served below freezing. Still all cooking to me.
If someone just warms up a can of Ravioli, microwaves convinience food, etc. I’d consider that rather food prep. If using the microwave is just one step of multiple in a recipe, than that’s fine again.
For me cooking requires a minimum level of effort rather than a minimum level of heat.
Is Johnny the brother of little Bobby Tables?
Not sure if I’d want to pull his daughter into this mess but in general answering with an equally faked video would be a genius marketing stunt. Maybe a video where Elon writes ‘I must not share manipulated videos’ to a chalk board like Bart in the Simpsons.
I think FreeCad is a great tool once you overcame the initial issues. I think it’s not as user friendly as commercial tools but I think that’s a general issue with smaller projects that don’t have billions of funding.
If you want to support a FOSS alternative, you could engage to make FreeCad better. Make tutorials, report bugs, update the documentation, help with translations, help users on the cmvarious forums and platforms or simply throw in a few bugs for the developers. :)
If I were C++, I’d wear my pants like that.
On the opposite ends of the plus characters I’d put my shoes obviously.
I highly doubt that’s a China specific issue. Far too many politicians have additional ‘jobs’ as consultants, speakers or a seat in a supervisory board. At least in Germany it’s unfortunately quite common, especially in the more conservative parties, to have additional income that exceeds your regular salary as a representative.
I use Mull on Android and so far I’m satisfied with it.
In case you get it tattoed, also put the entire conversation next to it. Would be funny at least for a few years. Then, probably no one will remember what a ChatGPT is.
Would be also interesting to see other people’s up and downvotes but only after you voted. That way you’d still vote unbiased while at the same time getting to know how (un)popular of an opinion you have.
If it’s just a one time road block and you don’t want to drive through the water, you could have still get out of your shoes and carry the bike over there. On the left side you could probably even hop from trunk to trunk.
The path looks nice and thanks to the little creek, it’s probably less crowded. ;)
The study differentiates between male and female only and purely based on physical features such as eye brows, mustache etc.
I agree you can’t see one’s gender but I would say for the study this can be ignored. If you want to measure a bias (‘women code better/worse than men’), it only matters what people believe to see. So if a person looks rather male than female for a majority of GitHub users, it can be counted as male in the statistics. Even if they have the opposite sex, are non-binary or indentify as something else, it shouldn’t impact one’s bias.
If the existence is a terroristic act how do you call farmers who breed these creatures on purpose? I guess the new ‘vegans’ could then eat the very last generation of terroristic animals and then everyone needs to go ‘vegetabler’. I guess that doesn’t sound too bad to those that are vegetabler on purpose. ;)