In short: Culture war
In short: Culture war
A fun read
And his name is Elon Musk
The next time you feel the urge to browse reddit:
Bonus link:
Spite is a powerful motivator. Both for Trump himself, and also for his supporters.
They don’t
It is also a fantastic learning experience
I like how you edit out the “raping skunk” from your comment - and then somebody else just posts it without consequence XD
That statement is true for **every ** generation of billionaires, not just the current one.
I love BoingBoing. It has shown me some interesting news articles from all around the internet.
It annoys me that now in 2023 we have so many vehicles that we call “scooter”. I can think of three different types that fit the description.
Because these are uncharted legal waters. There is no precedent for charging a former US president with a crime.
You mean that sometimes certain words sound like other words? No, that is uniquely to the english language! /sarcasm
Beeing expensive and performing worse than its predecessor?
That’s clever. I did not know that some key fobs have motion detection as a security feature.