Watched the whole. Damn. Thing.
Wow. I’m not prone to being maudlin, but this video is bittersweet.
Watched the whole. Damn. Thing.
Wow. I’m not prone to being maudlin, but this video is bittersweet.
When you deny reality, I guess any kind of statement sounds reasonable.
The only thing Austerity does is screw over the working-class person to avoid inconveniencing any member of the Parasite Class with higher taxes.
Anyone implementing Austerity doesn’t give even a single f**k about any Average Joe/Jane, they’re doing this purely to help those with obscene levels of personal wealth avoid paying their fair share of the social contract.
Companies have also become so adverse - and I would even characterize it as hostile - to investing any effort into employees that they want to have any new hire to “hit the ground running”.
Ergo, they interview over and over again, using wildly diverse testing methods and querying for every possible needed skill, and getting tied up in analysis paralysis in their attempt to find the “perfect candidate”.
With the very predictable result of all the good candidates withdrawing for other opportunities - because the smart companies don’t conduct torture via incessant interviews, they jump to provide offers once basic thresholds have been met - leaving only the mediocre and substandard applicants.
This is why you hear certain companies lament the low quality of applicants, or descend clear down to “bUt No-OnE wAnTs To WoRk!!1!” when their toxic interview methods chase everyone away.
people are still crazy in on Obama being the cause of all our problems
That’s how you know that someone is ideologically contaminated and running completely facts-free: they blame everything on someone who has absolutely no relevance to the situation.
Libertarianism requires its members to engage in due diligence in order to execute their libertarian ideals properly and make the choices that are correct for them.
This, unfortunately, excludes the lower-60% of all Americans, who are so ground down, economically terrorized, and mentally overwhelmed with their daily struggles to survive that they have little to no opportunity to approach any major choice with anything even vaguely in the realm of due diligence. They just don’t have the headspace to do so, and are forced to spend all their available mental efforts on just putting one financial foot in front of the other.
This is why having social support frameworks enforced/provided/funded by the government is so important for so many working-class people - it allows them to put those issues on autopilot, significantly reducing their own cognitive load and allowing them to better process the most important issues in their lives.
Ergo, libertarianism is a wealthy person’s toy. It is something that they can champion, because only they have the economic options and financial freedom to fully and properly engage with it.
Until everyone has vanishingly few catastrophic-level issues on the horizon (like one missed paycheque leading to homelessness, or a sudden illness leading to medical bankruptcy), any attempt to implement libertarianism will only bring mass amounts of misery and destroyed lives to anyone beneath the Parasite Class.
And when you have those kinds of widespread government-provided supports that lift all boats - and not just the megayachts - why bother with libertarianism? We should continue to use what got everyone into that safe state in the first place – socialism.
Remember, the Parasite Class already uses socialism for themselves. It’s called grants and bailouts and subsidies, and allows the Parasite Class to privatize the profits and socialize the losses.
It’s just at a scale that makes it impossible for working-class people to leverage.
Pick any religion, and you will find violent extremists.
With that said, Sikhs don’t hold a candle to Islam or Christianity when it comes to violent extremists.
DotNet Core as a whole (C# + F# + other languages that are being ported to compile down to a DotNet binary).
Because it has all the things Java promised us - frictionless, painless, cross-platform programs - but is implementing it far better than Java ever could.
Honestly, DotNet Core is now at least a half-decade or more ahead of Java in terms of the base platform and C# language functionality/ease-of-use. The only advantage Java has at this point is it’s community ecosystem of third-party features and programs.
When done right, the trash takes itself out. At least this saves the taxpayer some money.
In Canada, the CBC has the least amount of bias of any domestic news source.
Going International, I would say AP, PBS, NPR, Reuters, BBC.