You almost wrote a song or a poem.
Everybody move left,
they’re trying to flank.
Bart! Where you going?
Get in that tank!
Not the Apache,
you wank.
You ask the people on the call if they can hear you. If not, adjust volume. Repeat as needed.
Sign language and video only is an option as well.
Other article titles include "Brian Thompson Gunman Holds Onto First Draft Bullet Reading “Live, Laugh, Love”
It’s possible, but unlikely because there needs to be proof and it needs to be extremely serious. That is the reason I mentioned death threats, actually.
The biggest problem is that even though harassment is clearly defined in my state, “harassment” is still likely subjective.
Well, you can and it’s called harassment. This likely varies on the state or country, but in my state it’s illegal. As usual, if a person gets arrested for this likely depends on the mood of the officer that might have witnessed it, the length of time it’s been going on and if death threats are involved.
In reality, it’s just magnitudes easier to see if someone got punched in the eye.
At the time, the account on my client showed multiple, duplicated comments. It was very similar to the comment-copy bots on Reddit and YouTube. Lemmy has since normalized, and the comment history is “normal” now.
With more history established now, I would say OP is still a bot regardless if he is aware of that or not.
A hypothesis is absolutely fair game. I am not going to spend the time to prove it right or wrong in this case, but it’s still 100% legit in my book.
(Just don’t go telling your child spawn that space pot… err… space teapots are definitely the reason that time travel could be possible.)
I hate myths, even ones with good intentions. Things like “Santa” are just teaching kids to be disappointed and that their parents are full of shit.
As a side comment, what in the actual fuck is the tooth fairy?
None of this stuff makes any sense to me, whatsoever.
Yeah, personally, I have questions about the luhn check myself. (I am not in a state to research more this evening, unfortunately.)
There are several more that aren’t used. There are a few reserved for promotions or movies and such. 666, 900-999 and 000 numbers are out as well.
I believe that SSNs have to pass a luhn check too.
When I see my Dr. or when I talk to other engineers?
Any in many ways, that is the way engineers should speak to other engineers when analyzing a problem.
If two or more people can actually share a common goal of finding the best solution, everyone involved should be making sure that no time is wasted chasing poor solutions. This not only takes the ability to be direct to someone else, but it also requires that you can parse what others are telling you.
If someone makes something personal or takes something personal, they need a break. Go take a short walk or something. (Linus is a different sort of creature though. I get it.)
TBH, this is part of the reason I chose my doctor (GP). She is extremely direct when problem solving and has no problems theory-crafting out loud. Sure, we are social to a degree, but we share many of the same professional mannerisms. (We had a short discussion on that topic the other day, actually. I just made her job easier because I give zero fucks about being judged for any of my personal health issues.)
Honestly, I have never heard of that term before. Regardless, here is a cute pic for you.
Check back later. This is a government IT system we are talking about here. (Not knocking government IT workers I know… There is usually bad policy and old processes in play.)
Well, you might need to do a bit of creative hacking with pinning/unpinning multiple posts. You would have a community with “sub categories” of a pinned posts. Each comment under that post could be voted on.
Radio telescopes. While I don’t know the complete process of how an image is created, it’s likely a composite of hundreds of thousands of points where radio wave strength was measured.
A very basic explanation is that each radio antenna likely takes a reading of some kind for each equivalent pixel in the resulting image. Over time, you can build an image.
Again, I don’t know the full details of how the full image is recreated. It seems super complex reassembling millions of data points from antennas that are located on a rotating earth that is also rotating around a sun. The position of the earth probably has a huge impact on radio signal strength at any given time.
My first thought is reduce the complexity for now and start a Lemmy community for what you want. I know it’s not going to be as versatile as a full-blown forum and any specific requirements you have might not be met, but there are creative ways to manage this as a moderator with the API.
It would be free, you wouldn’t need to worry about the web security aspect for now and it might let you feel out how to manage topics/projects before you build an actual forum.
Sorry I couldn’t directly answer your question, but was hoping that an alternative approach might be of use. It’s just that hosting and managing a forum can be a time suck.
Not sure if that will help in this particular case, but that looks super neat anyway. I have been planning to build a custom modular synthesizer so I’ll try that out anyway. (Thankfully, it’s Kicad integration is free. Yay!)