• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I have my doubts about that. Most of the mass posters are too “conservative” and lean extremely hard into stereotypes. They take racism and bigotry just a bit too far in many cases and it doesn’t quite align with actual conservative bigots and racists that I know.

    It wouldn’t be surprising if most of the “conservative” communities are part of the same troll farm that lives primarily on other instances.

    This is all speculation, of course. But, organized campaigns to spread discourse on social media are real and some of these trolls are really good at what they do.

  • That is what I was thinking as well. If someone gets all of their medical information from Facebook, “showing them the science” would probably be counter productive.

    It’s not a lost cause all the time. I convinced my neighbors to get their COVID vaccination, but it took time and I had to strategically counter any conspiracy theories they had heard. One trick I like is to make them sound stupid in a way they realize that they sound stupid, without insulting or degrading them.

    Conspiracy theories are usually built on extremely fragile false assumptions and coated in numerous layers of bullshit. If you get lucky, you can just kick the foundation and the rest of the story falls apart.

  • I am an American, use Android and even wore a mask. Most of all, I would have no problems punching a Nazi.

    Meh, freedom is just a buzzword that was brainwashed into us at a young age in school and stuff but hardly anyone actually knows what their rights actually are.

    As far as phones are concerned, people use them because they look like they are built for children and they are supposedly easier to use. Even though I hate Apple, I can say that they did a decent job on their UI. It’s a local brand as well. The times I was in Germany, Mercedes and BMW were super common, from what I saw. (Why do all Germans drive those expensive things??? /s)

    Also, please remember we have a ton of sub-cultutes, sub-sub-cultures, many dialects of American English and importantly, a massive amount of land. (Land is important, because more separation breeds major cultural differences.)

    There are some places in this country where even I feel like an alien, and I am just an average white dude and I have lived in North Carolina, California, Florida and now Colorado. All of those states are vastly different, culturally.

    Most of all, just because I am American, doesn’t make me like anyone else here, contrary to what .ml memes say. I am not my government, I dont eat McDonald’s 10x a day and I am not a fascist. (I do own a reasonable sized truck though. My wife does a ton of gardening work, so it’s logical.)

    Don’t generalize people by their phones.

  • Conservative politicians always need someone or something different to blame for made up reasons. While the right has historically berated LGBT, they will bring one specific issue or group into focus as another “issue” becomes boring.

    They identify something as problem, tell people that the root of all of their problems is that something. If I blame my issues on something else and then tell people I am their savior and the only person that can fix that problem, I could end up looking like a hero when I do absolutely nothing about it.

    Also, stupid people in large groups are easy to manipulate. If one or two people start getting mad about something, the whole group will latch on to that emotion. A couple of key words or chants are of use too! If you have ever seen a trump rally, he just says a few key words to piss people off (Mexicans, immigrants, tans, libruls, etc…) and whatever else he says after that is irrelevant.

    Most importantly, the targets of hate need to be vulnerable but portrayed as extremely evil.

    If you browse through conservative media, notice they rarely reference anything about policy or improving the lives of people. If they do, it’s directly tied to blaming others for a problem. (Left media can be just as bad, but are nowhere near the machine of bigotry that right media is.)

    I could go on for a while, but you should get the idea.

    Edit: Oh, if you dehumanize and generalize a group (‘the jews’, ‘the gays’, 'the whatever’s), anything you say or do is not perceived internally as racism or bigotry: It’s ‘acting in the best interests of your country’.

    While I have blocked all the conservative communities here, just read through their posts one or twice. Almost all of their articles are hate politics. Honestly, I have blocked almost all political news on Lemmy since most of it is just re-hashed emotional trigger subjects.

  • Not at all. It absolutely is horrendously complex at times, so be warned. However, it’s an awesome learning project, if you like those kinds of things. (Paw through YouTube for photogrammetry projects as it’s really neat stuff.)

    I “stole” a big fossilized rock specimen by taking a 4k video with my phone from all angles. Extracted a few thousand frames and rebuilt it. It doesn’t look like much without the surface texture, but I was able to generate a reasonable 3D model. (Meshroom has also been the only app to thermal-throttle my 7950X3D.)

  • My average intake on a slow evening was a 9 or 15 pack of Coors pint cans, so 144oz or 240oz.

    These days, I stick to water. However, you probably have never seen someone who can consume as much as I can, casually. I’ll drink two pints of water at the refrigerator when I go for a glass, then fill that again and go back to doing whatever I was doing. (I won a ton of beer drinking bets. A pint of whatever is easily drank at between 3 and 5 seconds. My ability to consume any beverages is basically superhuman and likely a contributing factor to my brush with alcholisim.)

  • You buy a couple full cases of beer at a time, for starters. 72 (or more) beers might last a few days.

    Keystone is basically just a water-beer and chain drinking those is fairly easy since cheap lager is shit once it gets warm. There is motivation to drink, is what I am saying.

    But yeah, his numbers are about average for most “serious” beer drinkers I know. TBH, I am surprised that you are surprised. However, I didn’t grow up in a very healthy environment and norms are just a matter of perception.