Or, get this, a PWA.
Or, get this, a PWA.
Not sure if any of that is helpful for your case but I recommend trying something if you’ve got spare hardware, and see how it goes on dummy data, then blow it away try something else.
This is good advice, thanks! Pretty much what I’m doing right now. Already tried it with IPFS, and found that it didn’t meet my needs. Currently setting up a tahoe-lafs grid to see how it works. Will try out ceph after this.
How is ceph working out for you btw? I’m looking into distributed storage solutions rn. My usecase is to have a single unified filesystem/index, but to store the contents of the files on different machines, possibly with redundancy. In particular, I want to be able to upload some files to the cluster and be able to see them (the directory structure and filenames) even when the underlying machine storing their content goes offline. Is that a valid usecase for ceph?
Yep. Intel atom D525
Yeah, and it did become the next big thing. So much so that we’re still trying to figure out how to escape the overreaching grasp of big data algorithms that control social media networks.
A lot of “hardware raid” is just a separate controller doing software raid. I thought I lost access to a bunch of data when my raid controller died, before I realized that I could just plug the disks directly into the computer and mount them with mdadm. But yes, hardware raid seems a bit pointless nowadays.
YAML is good for files that have a very flexible structure or need to define a series of steps. Like github workflows or docker-compose files. For traditional config files with a more or less fixed structure, TOML is better I think
Please don’t. If you need something like json but with comments, then use YAML or TOML. Those formats are designed to be human-readable by default, json is better suited for interchanging information between different pieces of software. And if you really need comments inside JSON, then find a parser that supports //
or /* */
Never knew that ddg had an LLM, will check it out. Thanks!
I’m sorry which LLM is this?
It’s perplexity.ai. I like it because it doesn’t require an account and because it can search the internet. It’s like microsoft’s bing but slightly less cringe.
How’d you get that out of it?
The screenshot is fake. I used Inspect Element.
Still better than automatically converting :) to 😃
For a while I had a low-power server for my personal things that stayed on all the time, and a more powerful computer that hosted a minecraft server. As the player count dwindled, I decided to make the minecraft server automatically shut down at midnight, and wake up at 8 in the morning using rtcwake
. And eventually I disabled the rtcwake thing entirely, and made the smaller server run a webui that could wake up the minecraft server using wake-on-lan. So if anyone wanted to play, they would first have to remotely turn on the server through a web page. This was all password-protected ofcourse.
Also, no, I don’t use a UPS. I’ve never seen anyone use a UPS in the country where I live, and I don’t think I’ve experienced a power outtage in like 4 years. Whether or not you need a UPS seems to be largely dependent on where you live.
I’ve heard stories of webdevs adding technical-looking error popups on their website asking the client to pay. Something like ERROR 402 PAYMENT REQUIRED: Database connection failed due to insufficient funds.
Apparently it works pretty well
idk man ipv4 NAT sounds like the “complicated bloat” to me.
Thanks, will take a look when I have time
No, it’s an edit. I linked the original in the post text. If you can’t access it for some reason, here’s a transcript:
Government of the Netherlands
Home > Topics > Coronavirus COVID-19 > Travelling to the Netherlands from abroad
Checklist for travel to the Netherlands
Do not travel to the Netherlands.
With enough plugins vim can have almost all of the features of an ide. Not that I recommend using it like that tho.