It’s a very large difference. Which is the opposite of splitting hairs.
It’s a very large difference. Which is the opposite of splitting hairs.
One was definitely much worse than the other.
My first intro to Sandy, but I’m all in.
That makes zero sense.
I mean, it naturally has to be something that they eventually find a way to charge you something for. If it’s a for-profit business, and if they only sold lifetime subscriptions, they would eventually go out of business.
Careful that this giant strawman of yours doesn’t catch on fire.
Georgia had both mail-in absentee voting and, especially, 2 weeks of early voting including on weekends. In most places the early voting lines weren’t terribly long. On election day most places were short.
Most people still didn’t vote.
Some people couldn’t vote. Millions of assholes just didn’t bother and are partly to blame.
Yeah, absolutely. Same here, I find used laptops often make GREAT homelab systems, and ones with broken screens/mice/keyboards can be even better since you can get them CHEAP and still fully use them.
I have 4 doing various things including one acting as my “desktop” down in the homelab. But they’re between 4 and 14 years old and do a great job for what they’re used for.
Yeah, not here either. I’m now at a point where I keep wanting to replace my last host thats limited to 16GB. All the others - at least the ones I care about RAM on - all support 64GB or more now.
Weird, I don’t know of a sire where I’ve had a problem with that.
Like what?
I really do feel like if computers had stalled, speedwise, around the late 90s or early 2000s, that we’d be doing much, much better as a planet.
You know what rocks are delicious? Silica gel.
They meant - it seems unusual to shut the computer all the way down on a regular basis instead of just using sleep mode most of the time.
I meant more specifically in OP’s case, but also which pay that much. When I looked locally (major city) all the G jobs were under 100k. Usually well under.
Man, I’d be happy with 80% of what I get for less stress and more security. What kind of government job specifically?