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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • He did learn a hard lesson, but it sounds like this was exactly what he was attempting to rectify. “This project is pretty important to me. I should probably figure out how to use source control and put it on GitHub” but then by doing so, and due to some arguably poor UX decisions in VSC, destroyed the project.

    If someone’s trying to learn how to do something you can’t just be like “well you should’ve already known how”, you know what I mean?

    Well actually, let’s qualify that: there are cases where people try to jump right in the deep end. “I’m just learning woodworking! Step 1: build a new deck for my house”, like yeah bro what are you doing, let’s start with a birdfeeder or something.

    But that’s not what happened here. He tried to use the built-in GUI, which many would assume would be easier to learn than jumping right to the CLI, and it burned him in a way he didn’t even realize was possible.

  • I mean, not entirely, and he says he lost months worth of work. Like imagine you know nothing of git:

    • Click buttons in the IDE to add source control.

    • IDE says a bunch of files have been changed.

    • But I don’t want to make changes to the files, I want to source control them.

    • Attempt to undo the changes. Click “discard changes” thinking it will put them back to how they were before clicking add source control. Get a warning dialog that this is not undoable, but that’s fine because I don’t want whatever changes it made to my files anyway.

    • All files are deleted and unrecoverable.

    Like that experience sucks balls and it’s reasonable that a person wouldn’t expect “discard” == “delete”. Also, from reading the GitHub thread, apparently at that time VSCode was doing a git clean when you clicked this. Which like…yeah why the hell would it do that lol? I don’t think I have ever used git clean in my entire career.

  • It seems like he was trying to learn though? He clicked it, like “hell yes I want source control, let’s figure this out”

    “It says all my files are changed? Oh shit why did it change my files? Shit fuck, undo, how do I undo…Do I want to discard the changes? I don’t even know what it changed. Yes please undo whatever changes you did to my files”

    And poof.

  • I haven’t watched the Olympics in a long time but I thought the experience was kinda shit, especially compared to ye olden days of it being on every channel. My experience was basically:

    My wife: What’s the difference between “Women’s all around final” and “women’s all around final (TV)”?

    Me: googling I think we want the “TV” one?

    30 second ad

    20 seconds of a commentator talking over a view of Paris

    2 minutes of ads

    15 minutes of the camera just looking at an empty apparatus while there’s clearly other stuff going on in the background

    2 minutes ads

    30 seconds commentators discussing the event

    2 minutes ads

    Ok they actually fucking start, finally

    Someone does something, 2 second MICRO AD??? This is a thing now apparently? Randomly throughout there’s these insanely short ads that are super jarring

    Zoom in on Simone Biles face

    Watch someone do a warmup on vault

    Simone itches her nose

    We can clearly hear other competitors doing things in the background, but Simone is looking to the right, so let’s focus on that

    2 minutes ads

    Watch a competitor do uneven bars, neat

    Back to Simone, she’s talking to Suni now, we can’t hear it, but it must be important

    Literally can see people doing flips and shit in the background, but let’s watch Simone as she sits in this chair

    2 minutes ads

    BREAKING NEWS: Simone blinks

    “What did that other girl get for a score? Did they show it?”

    Attempt to rewind 30 seconds. Big mistake, 2 minutes ads

    Simone does a vault

    2 minutes ads

    Like I love Simone Biles, I do. Obviously I want to see all of her events. But holy shit, I’m here to watch the Olympics, not the “Simone is waiting for her turn” show. Also it was like 90% ads, they didn’t even show some of the highest scoring performances (since they only showed like 3 other people besides Simone), and half the time didn’t even show the scores they received. It was just…pretty bleh.

  • Well maybe if, when you were in high school working at Burger King, you put just a smidge more effort, just a pube’s worth more effort, into sweeping that floor, a senior VP at Boeing would’ve walked in and seen you, and said “Hey kid, you’ve got a great work ethic. Want to be a manager overseeing the new plant?”

    But you were lazy. You were putting in only 50 sweeps per minute when you could’ve clocked 75 spm EASY, and the SVP knew that, he saw that in your posture, so instead he just said to you “Hey can I get a napkin”, and because of that lazy entitlement, WITHHOLDING those 25 spm from your employer (God bless), you missed out.

    And that’s just one example of millennials being entitled, really it happens all the time. And Gen Z, they don’t even fetch the napkins, they just point to the dispenser on the counter, where it always is, and so there’s no really no chance for them at all.