Agreed that the all fat meal would not exit well. It also might overstimulate your gallbladder? I’m not sure.
Edit: and your pancreas would probably also be mad at you.
Agreed that the all fat meal would not exit well. It also might overstimulate your gallbladder? I’m not sure.
Edit: and your pancreas would probably also be mad at you.
He probably has more of a clue about what happens with dudes than with women. Which you could tell him about.
Oh, one thing. If he’s circumcised he probably uses some kind of lube to masturbate. It might not be condom compatible though. So if he has sex and they use lube because they’ve heard it hurts less then they could break the condom. That’s not commonly discussed. I don’t think you have to discuss how silicone lubes aren’t great with sex toys.
Then you should probably talk to him about hurting during sex. Foreplay should be nice enough that you could do it all the way to orgasm. Whether it’s a vagina or a butthole it shouldn’t hurt by the time you put an erect penis in there. Taylor Tomlinson has a bit about how growing up Christian was good for her sex life because it meant she did everything up to “the deed”. And porn, as others have mentioned, has a tendency to skip those bits. And kissing is also foreplay!
Speaking of comedy, Jerry Seinfeld did a bit about him watching a laundry commercial for a product that could also remove blood. And he jokes about how he isn’t a serial killer so why would he need that. So tell your son a bit about sanitary bins, pads that don’t always get everything while you are sleeping, stuff like that. It’s not scary and he shouldn’t be Menstrual Guy ally supreme but he needs to be told things he can’t experience himself.
I’m gonna guess abstinence only etc.
Eh, it’ll dry (children are gross).
I thought his company was supposed to move astronauts to the ISS for the next 5 years? Is this to get out of a contract his company can’t fulfill?
I think you should be able to do a USB drive boot of the distro you are interested in and check whether you can get all these things working? It’ll run slow though so don’t be scared of performance is less than you were hoping for. It’ll be much better in the install.
Both are full so it reduces the amount of cold air that can escape when you open them.
Did you eat beets? If your pee is also red you ate beets and that’s the colour.
Nicotine apparently rots the brain. I was at a bar yesterday and there was a shelf over the urinals and as many bins for snus packets as there were urinals. The bins were labelled in multiple languages that they were for snus packets. They were really obvious. And there were still snus packets in the urinals.
Thinking it over it’s kinda shocking that we had play cigarettes. Then again David Lynch started smoking at 8.
Why? Seems safer to just keep your head down. He didn’t do anything, why should he let the cops try to pin it on him?
Why would he have two similar but different heavy jackets? 4D chess?
Nah, I just judge the native speakers who suck at their own language (jk I’m not that much of a dickhead)
I’m amazed that none of your family members have run into the same problem. If I were you I would compare passports with my family.
Your name is transliterated in your passport? That’s on the Swedish authorities then.
Yeah, the inertia to do anything about fraud is staggering and considering that there is more bad science and randomly wrong science that is even more difficult to correct… Glad I’m not in academia.
Edit: autocorrect