oh no
oh no
Wow, was not aware although after just looking it up, evidently it is only for ‘premium’ rides and not standard. As if having someone not talk to you should cost extra. 🙄
Cool, now both Lyft and Uber need a “no extra conversation” option too. I don’t want to talk to the driver when I use rideshares, I hate the incessant small talk they want me to be a part of. I know some people might like it or at the very least not mind it, but I absolutely can’t stand it 9 times out of 10. Give me the option to specifically not have it please.
Well shit! That’s awesome. Can’t say that I’m a huge fan of the graphical upgrade actually, at least during gameplay. Looks too much like a flash game or something. However, maybe it’ll feel different during play. Definitely glad you can switch styles. Still will be getting this just to support Gargoyles stuff. Wonder if they’ll add any voice work from the original cast? Can never have too much Keith David.
Hey, you’re right! I guess if I had said I did you’d have a point.