No surprise here since Boeing owns the FAA.
No surprise here since Boeing owns the FAA.
Panera sells their coffee is a 16 and 20 fl oz sizes, not 8-16. For the dark roast coffee in a 20, it has 268 mg of caffeine.
They sell the charged lemonades in 20 and 30 do oz sizes. The 20 size generally has 260 mg of caffeine, slightly less than an identical volume of coffee, with the exception of the drive-through servings which is even lower due to ice.
What reasonable person would not consider a nearly identical caffeine per volume to be a fair interpretation of “contains as much caffeine as our dark roast coffee” when both can be ordered in the same 20 ounce size?
The bulk of those companies are in the energy business and they respond to consumer demand. Chevron isn’t out there drilling, extracting, refining, and burning oil for no reason.
“We need to take drastic action to avoid causing our own extinction via climate change and leave a habitable world for future generations!”
People have kids so there will be a future generation
Same shit in tennis too, all the “stateless” Russians.
CloudFlare offers website admins the ability to have their sites directly available to Tor users but they have to activate the feature: https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/learn-more/understanding-cloudflare-tor-support-and-onion-routing/
You got off easy! I almost got stabbed in the heart by a nearby priest. Had to unpublish my name and leave his local area to get away.