
  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2020


  • Destiny

    When I first played I had a wiki open on my second monitor for about the first month I was playing.

    Love the game. One of my favorites. And the artwork and music are second to none.

    It definitely has the worst onboarding experience ever though.


    It does have deep systems. But you can just pick what feels right to you and the game will accommodate you.

    It’s a masterpiece.

  • Your power supply is fine.

    If you feel you can deal with your CPU for a few more years just upgrade the GPU and call it a day. A 3070 or a 6700xt would feel like a huge upgrade.

    Having that said your computer is still entirely serviceable. I’d just hold on a few more years and upgrade the whole thing.