These clowns aren’t going away if GOP loses.
Seems like you got yourselves a real enemy-within situation down there.
These clowns aren’t going away if GOP loses.
Seems like you got yourselves a real enemy-within situation down there.
Cheney did 9/11
AIs can be trained to detect AI generated images, so then the race is only whether the AI produced images get better faster than the detector can keep up or not.
More likely as the technology evolves AIs, like a human, will just train real-time-ish from video taken from it’s camera eyeballs.
…and then, of course, it will KILL ALL HUMANS.
Looks like it’s 5.7 kg loss in a week, the weight loss is sustained after resuming eating for 3 days
Photos don’t convey intelligence, while speech does.
“They shine when used to augment the work of a human expert but they can’t be trusted to perform…”.
I’m sure someone wrote the same about the first looms.
Then y’all Luddites can make a new luddite sub and post your complaints over there.
This is a technology sub.
In any world, you just can’t stop progress, so complaints will be filed under “G”, for garbage.
And the world will keep on spinning.
Yes I seem to remember how enshitified everything became after the firing of weavers do to the invention of the Loom.
The fuck you think was gonna happen?
Seriously all this whinging online about AI is getting ridiculous.
Get a fucking hobby.
They learned from Israel.
Yeah, well… Many non-profit heads (of either party affiliation) use non-profit money (taxpayer money) to give themselves raises and enrich themselves, then lobby the government for bigger grants/handouts, while the intended recipients don’t get any more…
So some good may come shutting some of them down.