Edit: just realized you said US based. Tuta is not US based so that might not work for you. Sorry about that.
Tutanota (now just Tuta) allows you to use your domain. I use it, it doesn’t support external clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) but they do have Android, Linux, Windows (maybe Mac too) clients.
It’s also cheap.
I’ve been using it for a few years now, it works for me.
You can get a free account to check it out first and if you like it just upgrade to get the personal domain usage and increased storage limit.
Either that or enforce an equal share rule/law.
All profit recorded by the end of the year must be equally split amongst all employees next year pay increase. No bonuses to any employees regardless of their standing in the company. No stocks, no cutting corners to make it look like there was only losses. No fire/re-hire at a different level, not transfers into a higher paying “position” or any other fucky business.
If you make a billion in profit, that profit should be used for two purposes, keep the business afloat and provide everyone with an equal share. Like straight up equal. For example, company has 500 employees, makes 500k for the year, needs 250k for standard business expenses, the other 250k gets allocated to the 500 employees salaries.
It doesn’t seem like a lot but if everyone is at the same level in terms of salary it changes things A LOT.
That being said it’s not perfect, there will always be someone trying to exploit every loophole. To make more than someone else.
But I feel like that takes the “investment” (the market) part of things and basically destroys it. Lets get rid of investors for companies that provide basic goods/services. While allowing for the profit to benefit the employees.