Interesting to hear about Brook’s Law. Thanks!
Interesting to hear about Brook’s Law. Thanks!
From what I’ve read about their Daily Active Users they’re going to be overstaffed soon. No hate but they exploded and when things settle they might not need as much staff. Thoughts?
Am I the only one who thinks ‘terminates’ isn’t the best synonym for fired with this employer?
I’m just having trouble picturing how the spacer works without ripping the waffle apart when removed. Is it like a rod? Cause I’m picturing a ping pong paddle type spacer but that wouldn’t pull out, or are the waffle top and bottom not cooked together?
Yeah but tell me more about this stuffed waffle maker. I have never heard of these and as I type I realize I sound like the shill part two… still curious though, does it make like a waffle sandwich?
I was misled by the article and couldn’t find the law. The APnews explanation is misleading.
Here is the actual law link:
I’ve now read the law since someone above found and posted it. Terrible journalism not posting it. The law does state vaginal means contact between a penis and vagina.
Or genital contact, covers everyone right?
This law is supposed to reduce ambiguity, why wouldn’t they just state genital contact to reduce the grey area further? With this new law someone could argue that the vagina owner is consenting so it isn’t rape.
If it’s a code brown and the mens/womens room is closed who wouldn’t use the other bathroom?
No, they don’t mean Jews religiously. They mean Jewish through heritage, similar to the way many countries do citizenship by birthright rather than birthplace (like the US does). In Hebrew law(?) the birthright is passed down by the mother as prior to genealogy that was a surefire way of proving your parent is who they say they are.
My information is secondhand and any corrections are welcome.
Edit: read below for more accurate information.
Wonder why they didn’t invite Italy this time? 😂
Only penetrative rape.
I don’t think they will have that issue, in Eagle Pass, Texas.
I think strategically the best thing the feds could do is back off for two weeks. Does anyone believe these convoys have enough supplies to keep for more than 48 hours?
Failing that keep this up until November. We know these guys won’t mail in ballot.
It also depends on the context and the purpose of the survey. With a sample size of n=1000, you can get a general sense of the population’s opinions or characteristics if the sample is representative of the population and the survey is well-designed. However, larger sample sizes may be needed if you want to make inferences with more precision or if your population is very diverse, or if you want to drill into sub-segments within the population that may be niche and hard to reach (e.g., minority ethnic groups).
In that article. I am saying religious groups have niche minorities similar to minority ethnic groups.
I said for religious selection 3,300 is too small a sample size. Their previous studies show they have much larger sample sizes for religious diversity. There’s over 4k religions in the world and while those aren’t all represented in the US I think the sample size should exceed the possible variety.
Okay I’ll go off facts instead: Pew’s Religious Landscape Study in 2014/2017 says they surveyed 35,000 Americans.
For denominational preferences across the US? Respectfully disagree.
Oh wow, I obviously didn’t read the article. Shame on me. Had no idea they had that few on staff.