RIP miss Chanandler Bong
RIP miss Chanandler Bong
See, you’re doing it again. Just because he is ok with some older judges, you’ve drawn the conclusion that he supports this judge - despite the fact that he clearly stated he didn’t. That’s not “contextual clues”, but just reading what you want to read.
It was autocorrect
I’m not sure if you’re being purposely obtuse, nowhere did he say “the older the judge, they better”.
He literally says:
Very rarely does it rise to the level of publis inquest and a forced competency exam.
This time it seems it did, and look! It’s happening. What’s the real problem? Why is throwing the baby out with the bath water seen as a legit solution?
He states that it went wrong this time and that the system in place is correcting the problem. How is that in support of the judge?
How is he supporting her role as judge?
Why the resentment? There are obviously many career paths, and these can be just as fulfilling, challenging, technical and effective as any other (if done right).
I use the subscription feed and use the notification bell for my favorite channels. I don’t have notifications turned on for YouTube, but it does show in the top right corner of YouTube itself.
I don’t always feel like watching everything I’m subscribed to, so this gives me a kind of “favorites of favorites” feed.
Great colors!
Great light, amazing colors!
I’ve accidentally had my git config set to rebase at my work. Every git pull merge dragged me into some conflict hell.
I’m still interested and will read this article, mainly to see if there is a way to use it if the rest of the department isn’t.
That’s not how “et al” works