“Once you’ve been to Gaza, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Benjamin Netanyahu to death with your bare hands.”

  • 45 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • “Echoing his leader, Major General Igor Konashenkov, chief spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defence, stated in a news conference on February 28 that “the armed forces of the Russian Federation strike only at military targets”. Discussing the capital, Kyiv, he added that “the leadership of Ukraine and the authorities of the city, having announced a curfew, are persuading the residents of the capital to stay in their homes”. This, he concluded, “once again proves that the Kyiv regime uses the residents of the city as a ‘human shield’ for the nationalists who have deployed artillery units and military equipment in residential areas of the capital”.”

    "Then on March 3, Moscow accused Ukrainian authorities of holding a group of 6,000 Indian students and other foreign nationals as “human shields”. Indian authorities themselves denied the claim. A couple of days later, Putin declared that “the neo-Nazis” were obstructing the creation of humanitarian corridors requested by the Ukrainian government to evacuate civilians trapped in the line of fire, claiming “the militants” were keeping the potential evacuees as human shields."

  • Basically this in every capacity.

    Immigrants are easy to hate and kick out. They are already probably vulnerable as a group, so kicking them while they are down while screaming, “YOU DON’T EVEN BELONG HERE!” makes emotionally immature people feel like they regaining control and protecting their country. This however has nothing to do with the other. Societies where racism begins to thrive will pick any vulnerable group. In Nazi Germany, it was the Jews. In China, it’s the Uyghurs. In many European countries, it’s the immigrants.

    What exacerbates this further is that hating on immigrants (or any vulnerable group) worsens their conditions which makes it easier to point the finger and blame them for crime or lack of resources. Rinse and repeat. The spiral continues. The racists get more validation after pushing the immigrants down, and the immigrants become more frustrated with a country that doesn’t value their taxes and contributions.

  • She has the.potential to be President yet doesn’t even want to offer this! It’s unreasonable that even the current US President won’t somehow find a legal way to stop weapons exports to a people literally committing war crimes on a daily basis by the admission of almost every expert worldwide on anything related to law, the UN, global health or humanitarian work.

    It’s not because they are incapable. It’s because they have no spine. And worse they have somehow convinced people like you that it’s our of their hands.

  • Thanks for pointing that out. No denying this. Is this about Amit Soussanna? Would be curious to see a timeline for that. But also as a rape victim myself, it took me years to finally come out and tell my parents what had happened. It’s possible that she is lying, but also possible that she is saying he truth. It doesn’t say anything politically about Hamas or Palestinians… it’s just a thing that is likely to have happened.

    The thing is, it would also be naive to assume that no sexual assault or abuse happeend. Even Hezbollah (a much more disciplined army) will have cases like that.

  • Before I do that can I say this?

    I guess what you mean to ask is: was this part of the NYT report or not? Is that right?

    And also, I agree that much of that report was BS, but is that enough to discredit every single story in it? You may pretty well be denying rapes that did take place. I have no reason to deny the testimonies of some of these women. Hamas fighters are not angels and it would be quite naive to assume that no rape happened. What I said does not suggest that Hamas carries out systematic rape. Maybe that is a claim more worth your time to moderate than “some victims came out and spoke out about sexual assault during captivity.”

    But if this is how things roll in this community then just ban me 😉