We have very low corruption in Sweden, rank 5 on the index compared to 24 for the US.
When one of our top politicians bought a Toblerone with her government card it was a big scandal.
We have very low corruption in Sweden, rank 5 on the index compared to 24 for the US.
When one of our top politicians bought a Toblerone with her government card it was a big scandal.
Yes, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading these comments.
Since you’re a Swede you can read up on it here:
1.5% of salary before tax, minimum 230 SEK and maximum 633 SEK as of 2023.
Beyond the explanations given, kollektivavtal is the foundation of what is called the Swedish model that is the custom by which companies and unions function in Sweden.
All bigger companies have kollektivavtal, so what Tesla is doing is extremely strange and foreign to Swedish culture.
Haha, my Union!
Makes me proud to pay my dues!
Tesla is the first company in Swedish history attempting to bring in scabs during a strike.
Isn’t sheriffs elected officials in the US?
You are so brave to speak truth to power.
It’s exclusive for a reason.
She was awarded 200 mil with the 1B in punitive damages, which the state caps at 750k.
So 200.75 mil total in the end.
200 mil is still ridiculous, so your point still stands ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
Yes, this is local news at best.
Clickbait and ragebait, I’m so sick of it.
I can’t speak for Finland, but I think Sweden has a similar culture and the “leave no trace” motto is strong here since nature is considered a communal resource.
I have never seen bins even on major trails here, but I have never seen anything but miniscule amounts of litter either.
If there is no need to pay for the upkeep of bins, why not put those resources to better use like conservation of the park?
Thank you Lula.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that buddy.
I feel for ya!
Things are moving in the wring direction in Sweden and a culture against corruption is so important as a wave break.
Sadly I have no answers to your situation except to say that fundamentally changing culture is a long and arduous journey.
Keep fighting brother ✊