I think ecc isn’t more required for zfs then for any other file system. But the idea that many people have is that if somebody goes through the trouble of using raid and using zfs then the data must be important and so ecc makes sense.
I think ecc isn’t more required for zfs then for any other file system. But the idea that many people have is that if somebody goes through the trouble of using raid and using zfs then the data must be important and so ecc makes sense.
My problem is that the laptop keyboard has an ISO layout but my preferred layout is ANSI. So i am sort of forced to switch when i occasionally have to use the laptop without an external keyboard. Also the international us layout on windows is bad because " and ’ are dead keys and there’s no way to fix it without installing a third party keyboard layout.
Personally I’ve had issues with it not being possible for the battery icon to showing a percentage. And the keyboard layout resets to the first one every time you unlock.
Modern relational databases have support for it too including indexes etc. For example postgres.
Reimplements in C
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
change code so it no longer segfaults
still is UB, has arbitrary code execution vulnerability
everybody dies
Edit: the meme says “closed source” which is patently false for Mongo
No, MongoDB is closed source, proprietary software. You might be confusing open source with source available.
Edit: Actually I am wrong sorry. Closed source is not the opposite of open source. I didn’t read your comment exactly enough. MongoDB is not open source, it’s not free software, it is source available and thus not closed source. The things below are still true but don’t contradict what you said.
The SSPL is not a free software license and it is not an open source license. The OSI said so:
Well it being in the middle of a desert makes it more wasteful.
But yes giant festivals that encourage a lot of travel and needlessly burning things are in general wasteful and potentially excessive. There are other leisure activities, so discouraging festivals is not equivalent to working nonstop.
But here it’s deleting /* and not / so I think it won’t prompt you for that flag, but I’m not about to try it
Huh they work great for me. Which Ladda did you get? I think there was some brown or like yellow ones or something that were made in china and weren’t quite as good I think. Also the LADDA 1900 will have a longer lifetime than the LADDA 2450s. In the same way that Eneloop Pro have fewer recharge cycles than the normal Eneloops.
Tipp for people wanting to get into rechargeable AA and AAAs: get IKEA Ladda batteries and their charger. They are cheap and japanese made. Some people argue that they are just relabeled Panasonic eneloops!
Edit: Oh also if you used rechargeable batteries in the past and you remember them sucking that’s probably true. But the battery chemistry is better now and it’s possible that your batteries degraded quickly because of “dumb” chargers. Modern chargers like the gray 4 battery Ikea charger detect how and for how long to charge and thus will not ruin the batteries.
I think the explanation was needed. Even if one knows about interrupts, it’s easy to misunderstand the meme. For example i thought it was a joke about a person writing assembly and being used to 32 bit code and thus mistyping %rax as %eax, and I’ve seen another comment here referencing “muscle memory”. (Obviously the interrupt interpretation makes way more sense and it’s funnier)
I only buy nice (not just 3A 2.0) cables that have proper labeling on the cable. And then i can just assume that all unlabeled cables are simple 3A 2.0 cables.
How do you do inter-pod communication witg quadlet? I never figured that out with podman kube play and just moved back to staring conatiners and creating networks from a shell script