Now this is getting ridiculous.
Now this is getting ridiculous.
That would indeed be very helpful. But if all the other usages keep draining the supply, it will only help extend artificial reserves.
And you are not getting the point. Every method of killing people is terrible and inhumane. There is no humane way of killing people, because the very act of killing people is inhumane.
The only humane method is one that doesn’t kill or harm people.
Stuff only becomes valuable when it’s mostly gone…
I got the 6 million from this link: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/helium-gas-market-578
The issue is not how much can be produced right now, but the rate at which we are depleting it.
I found different estimates on how long earth’s helium supply will last, and most of them are between 10 and 100 years. That’s not a long time, considering that it means we will lose access to a whole element.
You seem to have no arguments for your opinion, otherwise why would you have to resort to personal attacks?
These kinds of comments are usually the internet equivalent of a white flag.
But not nearly the required amounts. We currently use about 6 million metric tons of helium per year.
If fusion plants ever become a commercially viable thing (and that’s a big if), they will never be able to supply anything close to that.
There’s quite a large amount of the usage which could be labelled “for fun”.
Murder is still murder, no matter if it’s legalized.
And an execution is a premeditated murder in cold blood, even a systemic one. It’s pretty much the worst kind of murder.
And yes, every kind of murder is problematic. Using gas chambers just gives it the correct appearance: state sponsored serial murder.
But we are consuming about 6 million tons per year (https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/helium-gas-market-578).
The 3000 tons are just a drop in the water and it’s pretty much impossible to get to all that.
Not in a way that could be scaled up to even cover the childrens birthday parties of a medium sized city.
So, a gas chamber? Back to 1938, are we?
One relevant part that I couldn’t really find in the article is that helium is so light that it escapes Earth’s atmosphere when released into the air.
So any helium that is released to the air is permanently gone.
There is also no known way to synthesize helium, and it also doesn’t renew itself at all on Earth.
It’s also the only substance we have to cool stuff really far down. That’s why e.g. MRIs depend on it.
And we put this precious, finite and often life saving substance into kids’ balloons to make them bobble nicely through the air.
Not sure why they even brought it up or reported on it.
I mean, it’s kinda similar to “Streetlights where out of service during road accident”, but it was noon and the lights wouldn’t have been on either way.
The legal requirement seems to be not to have one.
Stuff like that if people who have not a single clue about pregnancy make laws regarding pregnancy.
Put books under it.
Python sure has changed since I last used it.
However, the comment I replied to made a pretty universal claim about rulers.
Yeah, universal statements tend to lack nuance.
But especially with the right-wing parties I see quite a bit of malice for the point of personal gain.
And at least in Austria, Germany and the UK the conservatives are so deep into working for personal gain, that they completely forget what would benefit the country and the people.
(I don’t have enough deep enough insight into the governments of other countries in Europe to say anything about that, but from what I read, Hungary and Italy are not better off)
Is there a reason why you ask this here and not just ask the staff at the shop?
Stuff like that can differ from shop to shop. So better ask the person who knows the answer.
That might sadly be true.