Because a lot of studios, like for example Double Fine, sold because they couldnt pay the checks anymore, its stupid trying to blame the studios or people that sold the studios, the blame is not on them.
Please, i played the closed beta, the game is terrible, the only reason it has positive reviews in steam is because of the low playerbase that is fooling themselves because they purchased already. Just check the small number of reviews and concurrent players for a game this big. The main point to make out of this article is that most people already saw from a mile away that the game was terrible from the youtube previews and closed betas
Sadly its also going to steal the position of a lot of people on AA and middle to indie size studios that need to cut costs to actually stay alive. Obviously some studios will stay afloat without cutting people or going deep into AI content but expect that to the exception not the rule.
Is that true? The elections in 2019 were on the 27th of october, from all i can see the value barely changed on the 28th and it lowered barely on the 29th. As a reference on both websites where i could find values of october 2019
Also in case you consider Fernandez de Kichner as the last leftist won for some reason, it also didnt happen in 2011.
Even when looking at the value of argentina’s peso for the last year which has been decreasing non stop you can see that on monday after the elections it had the biggest sudden drop in value in the whole year?
Hitman really is a mess, according to EGS i own Hitman 1 and Hitman 3, but i doubt i really own Hitman 3, probably is a starter pack with the first chapter as i dont think the full Hitman 3 has been given away? On top of that you enter at the shop page and everything is such a mess that i just dont have any will to install the game and try to uncover what i own and what i dont nor i have any will to pay for something that im not sure what im buying and if im paying for something i have already.