The link refers to it being a style in an area that isn’t covered. In that case I’d favour consistency with the current code it’s touching and open an issue to update the style guide to cover the new area.
FLOSS virtualization hacker, occasional brewer
The link refers to it being a style in an area that isn’t covered. In that case I’d favour consistency with the current code it’s touching and open an issue to update the style guide to cover the new area.
I wonder how much of the core has been changed to prevent rebasing onto a more recent QEMU? We’ve done a bunch of cleanups and additions too the x86 emulation since 7.2.
Low information voters?
There is a very large corpus of FLOSS software out there serving everything from individual itches to whole industries. Any project that is important to someone’s bottom line is likely to have paid developers working on it but often alongside hobbyists.
The project I predominately work on is about 90% paid developers but from lots of different companies and organisations. Practically though the developers don’t care about the affiliation of the other developers they work with but the ideas and patches they bring to the project.
In all DRM devices there are private signed certificates that can be used to establish a secure authenticated connection. To get at them you need to crack/hack/file the top of the chip to exfiltrate the certificate. More modern “Trusted Computing” like platforms include verified boot chains so even if you extract the certificate you couldn’t use it because you also need to sign the boot chain to ensure no code has been altered.
Absolutely - modern pirates are extracting the digital streams with the DRM removed. However they closely guard the methods of operation because once the exploits or compromised keys are known they can be revoked and they have to start cracking again. They likely have hardware with reverse engineered firmware which won’t honour key revocation but still needs to be kept upto date with recent-ish keys.
For example the Blu-Ray encryption protocols are well enough known you can get things working if you have the volume keys. However getting hold of them is tricky and you have to be careful your Blu-Ray doesn’t read a disk that revokes the old keys.
For streaming things are a little easier because if you get the right side of the DRM you can simply copy the stream. However things like HDCP and moving DRM into secure enclaves are trying to ensure that the decryption process cannot be watched from the outside. I’m sure their are compromised HDCP devices but again once their keys get leaked they will no longer be able to accept a digital stream of data (or may negotiate down to a sub-HD rate).
I do pretty much everything in Firefox but during the week I keep a Chrome window up for Hangouts and Jira.
Church of England? They are pretty vanilla and low key in my experience.
I think it’s often used with younger kids because parents don’t understand why their kids are acting up and can’t work out how to “get through” to them. As kids get older they become a lot better at understanding and really words should be the only tool you need.
The dreaded phrase “I’m not angry just disappointed” should cut deep when (rarely) used because the kids understand their parents have their interests at heart. If they don’t then something has gone wrong building that relationship of trust and respect.
ETA: forgot to say of course positive reinforcement is also key. Kids need to know when they get things right so they are not walking on eggshells worried about getting things wrong.
Ok I fail to see how battering kids helps them develop a bond of trust with the carers.
I’m not sure how assaulting children is ever going to build an effective relationship between kids and their parents. Parents should represent safety and unconditional love because then the educational message will have an easier time being accepted by the kids.
As I understand it is to operate the defensive missile battery they have just shipped.
They are pretty focused on reducing the cost of launches by aggressively re-using components that would normally crash into the sea. Previous launches landed on floating sea platforms but yesterday’s heavy was so big it needed a more stable landing zone. So after boosting the Star Liner the rocket returned down the trajectory it had followed up and then hovered briefly before being caught by two pincers on the very launch pad it had left five minutes before. That’s pretty cool.
Nice. A friend of mine built one with ball bearings:
Very binary, much wow.
My Organic maps has a download screen for the maps which regularly update outside of the app itself.
I think you underestimate how much storage those tiles take up compared to the vector map data.
The data updates are handled separately in app
Won’t it? I thought you just needed to enable the apps you want. My fdroid AntennaPod is certainly usable in it.
Fascinating article and goes to show quite how many ways evolution can solve the same problem.