Cheap in Germany for example nowadays is 0,20 EUR / KWh + 15 EUR / month base fee. Most people have more expensive contracts though, 0,30 EUR / KWh and more
Cheap in Germany for example nowadays is 0,20 EUR / KWh + 15 EUR / month base fee. Most people have more expensive contracts though, 0,30 EUR / KWh and more
It’s almost as if the ICJ hasn’t declared it a genocide
Right because Trump will nuke Israel and single-handedly create a Palestinian state from the mountains to the sea. So definitely vote for him.
That clown emoji would make me think the company has alt-right sympathies
The akshually might be stronger, but the cultish behaviour of specialised subreddits hasn’t quite arrived here yet so one can still have a faceted opinion about the stuff they discuss, while on Reddit it’s either “glory to our king” or “get the fuck out and watch your Dane Cook specials!!”
I don’t know. But I can imagine a lot of reaction-worthy things happening in a stadium at the Olympics. Or maybe they’re just American then all bets are off. You guys start screaming when a new marvel movie is announced.
Nice story but the reaction is to something else off camera
They’re reacting to something else off camera. We’ve been though this, even on this site, a few times now
I think it’s spelled “madd rezpexx”
That shot of Franz Wagner dunking through three French players would have been nice…
That scale breaks down at first sight, I can have 50% communist views, 30% Dem Soc views, 19% Left views, and 1% Nazi views (i.e. I want to do a Holocaust on Putin and his cronies).
It’s not real, son. 99% things said and shown on social media aren’t. Try to not be a little bitch for once.
You don’t have to!
Thanks that would have bothered me for weeks
This thing? https://www.indexdrums.com/shop/hardhat
Ok either do that before this years election, or just shut up and do your duty
Just imagine they’re MAGA
Check if dckpcd is up
where is that in the EU…South-East parts?