Not all. Some ebook readers still had microusb, plus some other old electronics that didnt bother to upgrade from microusb for the last decade . Also apple obviusly was apple.
Not all. Some ebook readers still had microusb, plus some other old electronics that didnt bother to upgrade from microusb for the last decade . Also apple obviusly was apple.
Yeach there are only few exceptions where lemmy communities shine through. And its mostly linux or programing related stuff.
Im pretty sute manga is not more popular than comics as a whole ( anime bit might be true of we count tv series only ) and even if that’s true the reason is very simple. Piracy. Its extremly easy to find manga online . Not so much with comic books.
Job kills passion
It would be nice if there was something for annynomus donations ( you need to login to github ).
Oooh is that why ipv6 adoption is so regional ( Based on https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html ) . Like france ,germany or india having more than 70 % while italy or poland hanging below 20% ? Also judging from this site it seems like ipv6 is actually getting adopted at quite the rapid pace. Even if some regions are faring way worse than the others.
Obviusly beacuse kill process or kill child sounds bad so they had to find a synonym you silly goose.
Yup. Thats just enterprise software for you. Something was made requiremnts changed, and then changed again and then ypu have duct tape on top of a duct tape with a duct tape holding those duct tapes and a touch of super glu here and there. Also ducttapes are microscopic in size but the sheer quantity of them is unimaginable.
Or work for a software development related to finance and bookkeeping so you get the downsides of both.
Ohh its easy. Its sap
Here is a fun thing. No . If passangers truly wanted a better service they could fly in a buisness class but thats more expensive so they will tolerate shitter service for lower price beacuse what really matters to them is the destination.
I find it to be suprisingly usless compared to classic aproach. But in my case it might be beacuse of the language i work with ( abap ).
Also decimal system is not exatcly that much better since you also cant write 1/3 in decimal
Even deciphering 1000 good lines of code is hard . I work in abap and 95% of my time is going through old ,or very old code written in diffrent programing styles . The rest is usualy writing a one or two lines of code.
I mean going from windows to mac os also needs getting used to beacuse Obviusly they are not the same systems . Each of those has diffrent design philosophy. And out of all linux GUI gnome is the simplest( In my opinion also the best looking one ). And most of the rest also takes very little of getting used to since they are very similar to either windows or MacOS( elementary ).
Oh yeach paying for playing online games is such a bulshit. I never really complained about it online beacuse i was buying ps plus on ps3 when it only gave you games ( beacuse i do buy it only for games and i would never pay it to play online games) so it never really affected me but this is such a bs. Im suprised there wasnt a bigger outcry against it.
Its not exatcly how it works( at least in poland ). You usualy get x amount of free days( 20 or 25 depending on how much you worked )that you can take plus free days for public reasons weddings,blood donation etc… Its just that its usualy june/july/August. Some companies opt out to just give all their employees days off on the same day since they cant really function if half of their worforce wants to go on vacation at the same time and those that need to function all the time do the nescessary magic to somehow maintain the nescessary pepole. In essence its not mandatory but rather customary and non tourist cities( or non tourist areas ) in Poland(europe) kinda die off for a month or two.
I dont think Starbucks is considered a cofee in europe. More like an american desert cofee honestly. And how large even is that? Half a liter? Typical cofee in europe is at max half of that.
To be fair making native aplications was( maybe even still is , the last time i touched anything non abap related was in uni )very unnesecarily complex thing back then especialy compared to the simplicity of web frontend .