I’m not about to provide you with masturbation material.
i’m a turtle
I’m not about to provide you with masturbation material.
Women. Queer people. Non-white people. Hell, even white straight cis evangelical Christian rich men who die from being sick.
There will be so much death.
It will be unending.
We may yet manage as a country, but the millions that die from this election won’t get to see it.
Oh shit, it’s me, I’m bitches.
Let’s go with A Monster’s Expedition Through Puzzling Exhibitions!
Humanity has died through hubris and climate change, and Human Englandland is all flooded. Now it’s the age of monsters! And one monster is touring the now-outdoors old Human Englandland museum, which is an archipelago cause flooding and such. All the bridges washed out, but there’s convenient trees! Let’s go see the museum.
Pushing logs from trees into adjacent water is the point of the game, but it has some of the simplest yet best mechanics about it that I’ve seen in a long time.
First, Elden Ring has Miriel, Pastor of Vows, and he is the bestest boy.
Also with the exception of one single boss fight, I was able to overcome everything in Elden Ring with persistence and learning, and sometimes I would get frustrated in a locale, and just leave and go do other things in the land. Other linear souls games don’t really let you stray from the beaten path until you’ve added your beats to it as well.
Elden Ring is just a really solid intro to the format.
Let us learn together.
I would say that a lot of these unforgiving action RPGs are complete-able and enjoyable by most everyone, but I should give a caution that if you’re disabled in the hands, things will be substantially less forgiving.
I’ve got hemiplegic cerebral palsy from a pair of strokes, and as a result, the right side of my body, specifically my fine motor control of the right side of my body, is utter garbage. I can’t get through Bloodborne or most Souls games. The exception was Elden Ring, because it made ranged combat viable in such a way that any need for twitchy gameplay was substantially reduced.
Bloodborne is among the most difficult in the genre, and if you’re looking to broach this sort of game, I’d recommend Elden Ring first. It’s got the same learning aspects, but it allows for more creativity and thought in the moment.
It is good to see actual photography.
I’m an author of two books, and whenever someone asks me for a copy (or even says they want to read it), I straight-up hand them a free ebook. I just want people to read me.
Jason Pargin is a goddamn hero.
Asexual and sex-repulsed married lesbian here. Although I love my wife romantically very much, I don’t want to do anything to her chest.
My brain instinctively rejects that image. Not cause it isn’t accurate; it’s showing what it’s supposed to.
But really, that the shape of it is hostile and threatening and it looks vaguely biological and some creepy shit gets sent up and down my spine about it.
As a trans woman, cool. Real fuckin’ cool.
My worst fears got written down by someone else.
I don’t wanna get shot.
I wanna die of old age.
your antics aren’t amusing
4,000 weeks. 750k hours. That’s what the average human gets.
This is how I keep count.
This is an underpinning of the plot of Final Fantasy VIII, where a sorceress with incredible power is entombed and sent to space, and her screaming drowns out all the radio frequencies on the planet.