Is that CPU cooler resting on your GPU or is that just the perspective messing with me? It looks rather dangerous.
Is that CPU cooler resting on your GPU or is that just the perspective messing with me? It looks rather dangerous.
/120? /48 and /64 are common assignments, where /48 is imho preferred as it allows you to easily use SLAAC inside your network. I’ve seen plenty of home setups too and I don’t know how to say this nicely but you should really read up on IPv6 before posting comments like this pretending you have an idea what you’re talking about. Seriously.
I don’t agree that you usually would still use NAT with IPv6. I’ve never seen NAT in combination with IPv6 and I’ve seen plenty of deployments at our customers. NAT is not the same as a firewall, so just using public IPv6 addresses does not mean that you are exposing every port by default. I think you should read up on IPv6 and firewalling before making statements like this :)
Edit: you don’t even have to set up firewalling on each internal device… the router/firewall blocks inbound traffic by default.
Without knowing the details of C, I’ve seen this in other languages and it’s usually something with missing a flush or a buffered output mode or something like that.
Hey thanks for the response! Glad to hear it :) definitely agree about the puzzles being spoiled by Aloy, really weird how they implemented that without even an option to turn it off. I also thought it was strange how she gladly risks her life with the amount of stuff she’s trying to handle already, but it does make for a more interesting game I think. Overall the side quests are a bit more interesting and fleshed out than in zero dawn. Also the stash is a really welcome addition compared to the first one.
I think we play in a similar way, at least on a first playthrough I play like that. I also play the game without fast travel but that’s not for everyone :) hope you make it to the end! It definitely has me excited for Horizon 3.
I got the Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster last week as well, it’s really well done for a remaster and I’m enjoying a full new playthrough. On the way to Meridian now.
Well said! And now on PS5 it plays so great at a smooth 60 fps, amazing stuff. I frequently start the game just to wander around and fight the machines. At ultra hard it can still be quite challenging even after all these hours.
The remaster seems to be really well done as well according to early reviews, so looking forward to putting even more hours into it :-) hope they made the inventory management better as that is basically my only issue with the original.
I do agree the first has the better vibe and story but I think you’d still enjoy finishing Forbidden West and the Burning Shores DLC. The ending was interesting and if you stopped halfway through you might not even have seen some of the new enemies yet! How far did you get?
Horizon Zero Dawn is my all time favorite game (a remastered version is coming out next week so might be a great time to jump in). Celeste is a 2D platformer and also really great. Been having fun with Zelda ToTK and Astrobot as well.
You could also see it as you preventing someone else from learning from their own mistakes. Maybe reframing it like that could help with skipping :)
Yeah I totally agree, I hate that they keep adding new stuff instead of focussing on their core business. It’s especially annoying as the Android Protonmail app and the regular web mail client are really bare bones and have several long standing issues. Honestly if I had set it up with my own domain instead of the @pm.me (which admittedly is a nice suffix) I probably wouldn’t be a paying customer anymore.
I feel this is missing a couple of !important statements :)
Go play forbidden west it’s awesome!
Ha, I did not! Been a long time since I saw that image lol, thanks.
He just did.
Have you heard about helicopters?
I never said anything about Onyx, I don’t own one but have considered them. They look nice and open.
I do own a couple of Kobo devices though and just wanted to say it’s not running Android of any kind but it’s still relatively open. Especially compared to phones, tablets and Kindle. The firmware/OS point you’re trying to make is irrelevant there and I think you know it :)
There is NickelMenu and you can telnet into it. You can also install other OS like KOReader easily, it doesn’t have a locked bootloader or anything like that. So imho that’s pretty accessible and open.
We are talking about the Kobo right? It’s not running any kind of Android or AOSP fork.
No it’s not running Android.
Using Calibre you could probably glue that together. I wouldn’t want Android on an ereader personally.
Ah yes you’re right!