Honestly I worry about the use of ChatGPT on programmers. Training your eyes and brain to see things takes time. I know the suits just want production but I’d rather have better programmers.
Of course, I could just be old.
Honestly I worry about the use of ChatGPT on programmers. Training your eyes and brain to see things takes time. I know the suits just want production but I’d rather have better programmers.
Of course, I could just be old.
The trick is to get project managers to automatically pad you time.
Can we build an AI manager that just keeps asking for different shades of red?
Categorizing stuff hard
You can easily tell if you did something wrong with Towers of Hanoi.
Helpdesk? You guys are like the people who have to go and fix a melting nuclear reactor. Necessary but only do it for like a year or two otherwise you get broken.
Yes, naming things one of the three hard computing problems left along with cache invalidation.
What about businesses that have extra protection from the government that prevents you from sueing them?
Isn’t Service Now just help desk software? A ticketing system? I only know it from the user side, but it looks basic. What makes it shitty?
I run Linux on my desktop
Oauth2 is being used as well as 2FA. We’re not breaking any of that. My local email server will be running on company equipment. I already have ITs approval on this.
I’ve always used multiple email clients. Mutt or mu4e for organization and tasking. OWA for quick emails and the calendar. Since we’ve gone to 2FA, that all stopped until I found davmail. OWA search is really bad, compared to mu or not much anyway.
I want a central server. I don’t want to do mbox again.
Yup, its already setup. I’ve currently got mutt running with a davmail middle, but its slow. A long time ago, we just had IMAP enabled and I used mbsync for a while with a local mbox. But it slowly turned into a mess. Since then we’ve enabled 2FA on O365 and so far I’ve only gotten davmail to work.
If Linus “flamed” me, I’m putting it on my resume.
Or American conservative or real conservative
The true American religion.
Russia’s got oil
The Social Security Trust Fund is nearly $3T
So you don’t trust me, but you trust McAfee to give it full control over the system. Yet my software doesn’t work because something is blocked and nothing is showing up in the logs. But when we take off Mafee, it works. So clearly McAfee is not logging everything. And you trust Mcafee but not me? /s kinda.