I have Nextcloud running on a Pi4 and it runs like a charm. It has a lot of RAM and processing power to spare, actually. The good thing about arm mini computers is the exceptionally low power draw. You can’t achieve that with some old x86 PC.
I have Nextcloud running on a Pi4 and it runs like a charm. It has a lot of RAM and processing power to spare, actually. The good thing about arm mini computers is the exceptionally low power draw. You can’t achieve that with some old x86 PC.
I love my bike trailer. I added an aluminium box to make it water proof and I use it almost weekly for groceries.
Fairphone 5 can force slow charging via settings. I use it all the time because I usually charge over night and it helps preserve battery life.
Such a weird narrative that Bethesda hates New Vegas. Fallout 3 also doesn’t have a remaster or anniversary edition.
With Bethesda’s blessing, season two of the show likely revolves around New Vegas.
It’s as excellent as a live action adaptation can be.
Scholz was talking about around 50000 people who came seeking asylum but we’re found to have no right to asylum. It’s not very humane but it’s the current law. The actual fascists of the far right are talking millions.
SPD is a relatively conservative party but it’s absolutely insane to call them fascists.
Those are rare exceptions and it should only be done after puberty AND if it can’t be resolved conservatively AND the person consents to the surgery. That’s something else entirely than doing it to children.
Revenge is not a good motive though. It doesn’t bring those children back. Removing people like him from society while not forgetting our humanity is all we can do.
No he can fuck right of, nobody should ever own that much. I was saying Valve is consumer friendly, relatively speaking.
Apart from exploiting gambling addicts and you not really owning most games, Valve are rather consumer friendly. Or at least they appear to be because their competitors are even worse.
German laws allow swastikas in media under freedom of art and/or education. So depending on the context, it is legal in games. Foreign video game companies just don’t want to take any risk and have their game blocked because of nazi symbolism so they rather just remove it than hope the courts see their game for the form if art it may be.
Don’t dehumanize people ever, please. War crimes need to be pointed out and punished, but neither nazi nor subhuman is a reasonable accusation.
It’s really damn complicated. There is so much history to this conflict. I honestly don’t know what Israel’s best move would be.
I just think there has to be a way to have less civilian casualties. People are suffering greatly in Gaza and it somehow needs to stop.
On the other hand I understand that the Israeli government has to react to the Hamas attacks. Hundreds of innocents were slaughtered and Israel is surrounded by enemies. Constantly in danger. They need to make sure nobody else dares to attack.
In a perfect world they would (or rather: could) treat Gaza like the US treated Germany after WWII. But I’m afraid even with massive humanitarian and economic help there would still be terror and violence from Hamas. This conflict is too old and too dogmatic to be solved in a matter of weeks or even years.
Look around in this thread - even people who don’t have any personal stakes in the conflict have such radical options about it. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be a Palestinian or Israeli who has lost family members to this.
Jewish people are attacked on the streets, synagogues are being attacked and smeared with swastikas etc.
You can condemn that and still think Israel is making a mistake in Gaza.
That maneuver will cost them a few % market share at best. Most people don’t even use ad blockers at all
One big con often goes unmentioned: nuclear reactors take at least a decade to construct, often longer and they are really expensive along the way.
We don’t really have time for that. We could do it in parallel to spamming as much solar and wind as we can, but in reality, more nuclear plants sadly mean less solar and wind.
Processing power wise it’s almost exactly the same. The main appeal of the new APU is its increased power efficiency.
Signal needs automatic cloud backups so badly. They’re encrypted anyways, why not allow it as an option?
I’ve used it for years now and it’s great and I managed to get all my friends to install it. But manual backups are basically impossible for the average user. Also it’d be nice if we could bulk export pictures more easily.
It’s all about familiarity. People feel comfortable with Windows because they always used it and it has all the programs they always used. Most people just want to get their shit done and don’t care about operating systems at all.