Keelah Se’lai.

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Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月14日

  • I’ve worked retail, office jobs, call center jobs and warehouse jobs. I made an office ‘friend’ in two of those jobs. One who id grab drinks with outside of work and another who id chat to via text occasionally. But as our jobs changed and lives moved on. So did we.

    I don’t feel the need to be forced into social situations, people are tiring and there’s better things I could spend my time on that being shoved into a room with co-works who I have no interest in talking to and have no interest in talking to me.

    Both my best friends are long distance friends. I’ve known one for 13 years, we’ve met up once. And one for 9 years who I’ve never met in person. And they’re the best friends I’ve ever had. If they have issues, I’m right there via text or call to help. Same if I have issues. We send eachother gifts for birthdays/ Christmas, or just because. The 9 year friend and I do a book trade and recommend eachother things we think the other would like (not just book recommendations).

    My partner and I have been together for almost 2 years now, we live in different countries. And it’s honestly the best relationship I’ve ever had. Not because of the distance, we visit eachother multiple times a year. But the distance also isn’t an issue.

    So long distance friendships/ relationships can work.

    Just because some people need that face to face interaction, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Especially when it’s forced by a workplace. If it was to meet up with a friend, I’m sure it would be more welcomed. But being made to meet up with co-workers who aren’t friends/ close with, that sounds miserable. Being made to do something you don’t want to do/ aren’t interested in is never fun. Ever try get a teenager to clean their room? Often not very high on their list because it’s something they don’t want to do. The same can be said for social events with co-workers for a lot of people.

  • That’s exactly what it is, control and surveillance. They don’t like that the public have stuff that isn’t accessable. I wonder if they’ll complain when they realise it’ll be harder for them to hide their shadiness if they get rid of E2EE. Then again, they know they’re shady, so it feels like a case of, we’re shady so you must be too. So now we want to see everything you do so we can watch and control you better.

    It’s not about the children, governments pull the children or terrorism card because people see those words and don’t think to look deeper, cause if you go against the policy you must hate children and want the country to burn!

  • COVID is still a pretty new thing. The whole shit storm was only 3 years ago. Flu has been around for fkn ages now, so it’s just a common thing. Where we can predict mutations and how they’ll effect people and spread. So it’s not really a concern, it’s just get your flu jab this year.

    Whereas we’re still researching COVID and learning about it. The mutations are different with different effects.

    Until it hits normality like flu, and predictability like flu, it’s good to keep people in the know.

    I’m thankful it’s still being reported about. As someone with a disability that weakens my immune system, I’m glad to see new vaccines or research into it. I got Omicron, thankfully I’d been vaccinated, cause even with the vaccine it sucked for me. And there was some weird AF symptoms, like the air just smelled like cheese, that one really threw me off. But had I not been vaccinated, who knows just how bad it would have gotten.

    And then there’s long COVID, we don’t get long flu. COVID had an effect on my disability and I’ve felt worse since getting it.

    So it’s not just as easy as saying but the flu. They’re two different things with different effects and predictability levels and research done into them. So instead of complaining that there’s still stuff being written about it, be thankful it’s being taken seriously so it can eventually just be a background thing that’s akin to flu.

  • You mean like how religion indoctrinates people and hides actual pedophiles while pointing the finger elsewhere?

    And the long history of abuse of children by nuns and priests in children’s homes and religious schools/ facilities?

    Being LGBT isn’t something you just wake up and choose to ‘identify’ as. You don’t wake up and decide, hey I’m gonna be gay! It’s just part of who you are.

    Religion is a choice and something that can and does indoctrinate people. Maybe look in the right direction and you’ll see who the actual bad guys are.

  • In terms of the suicide one, men use more lethal methods like guns for example. Whereas women use less lethal means, such as overdose/ cutting their wrists. So men have a higher success rate, but women attempt it more.

    Men having no reproductive rights suck, I hate that men have to deal with that issue. It’s a seriously unfair thing. Men shouldn’t be allowed to tell a woman to get an abortion or to keep a baby, as ultimately it’s her body. But in the case of a man not wanting a child but the woman does, they shouldn’t be forced to then be stuck paying money. I’m not sure how something like that would work, but it shouldn’t be just forced upon the man to pay for something he didn’t want.

  • First of all, we were talking about people fleeing other countries and the Jews, not the US. Also, the US code subordinate to the constitution, and the constitution gives ‘the people’ the right to own guns. PEOPLE. Not just men, people. so no, it’s not just dur dur men.

    Again, your sexism is showing. Men shouldn’t be expected to be ‘manly’. Men are people too, they can be however they like. I thought you were all for people being able to have freedom, yet you’re pigeon holing people into categories and defined characteristics. Which is sexist.

    But what do I expect from a Christian.

  • What is hateful about saying you don’t care that people die if they ‘don’t fight like a man.’ You’re seriously asking that. First of all, your sexism is showing, second of all, how about the woman and children who flee in fear of being murdered? And no sympathy for jews dying in the holocaust cause they weren’t armed, like that was their fault? Like you can just easily buy guns and ammo and fight back.
    Please tell me how many wars you’ve fought in, you know, since you’re such a patriotic man.

    Flags do not equal patriotic, people who use the American flag as a pseudo God can be insane, take Trump supporters for example, crimes were committed and flags were flown. Mhm, yes, really patriotic upstanding citizens.

    If you can’t see the hate you’re spewing, you’re blind and a fool. But keep spouting your bullshit complete holiness and then acting like a psychopath.

  • First of all, the thing that fried my brain. What on earth does owning flags have to do with who commits crimes?

    Second of all, this is one of the most hateful, vile things I have ever read. Very unchristian of you. I thought you said Christians were inclusive and accepting, clearly you aren’t. Repent you heathen Satan worshiper. Literally condemning people to death and feeling proud of yourself for being a ‘high and mighty Christian.’ Isn’t pride a sin, cause ego goes along with pride, and you sir. Are full of it.

  • Thankfully my mum doesn’t really use her laptop much, mainly for going on Amazon or ordering her groceries. Stuff like that. She asks me questions about her phone a lot. I don’t even remember what phone she has. I just have to take educated guesses by using mine as a baseline. I guess cause I’m the oldest by like 20 years and have like 4 computers and a lot of gaming tech, she just assumed I know what I’m doing. Haha.

    Glad your mum is becoming sceptical of things online. Definitely better to be over sceptical with technology these days. I’ve shifted to Linux on everything, except my old ass MacBook which is almost dead. Too many companies out there trying to steal data and personal info now.