stalker 2 hopefully. waiting for my new 3070, so have to play 1080p til then lol
stalker 2 hopefully. waiting for my new 3070, so have to play 1080p til then lol
I can tell you that they wouldn’t have included it if it didn’t serve a purpose.
words to live by. you know how much less your car would be if it only used 8 bolts on the exhaust headers instead of 10? for millions of that model alone? bet your ass they’re doing the bare minimum to get it off the assembly line.
I got pulled over for expired tags, my fault, no denying it. I was broke, didn’t have the registration money at the time.
cop says “tints too dark.”
“no it’s not, it’s factory”
“well it’s too dark”
“do you have the device to measure it?”
“then why’d you even bring it up”
didn’t get a ticket for the tint.
you can’t bond with your kid!? learn about what he likes, wtf is this.
no details at the moment, but I upload nearly 1Tb / day of media. so 25TB per month UPLOAD, you can imagine my downloads.
Plex has a surprisingly decent selection on the live tv/movies tab.
sort of agree, but $>life gives them motive in my opinion. I’d still call it murder by definition.
can we change it to millionaires and give kids guns instead?
yeah, don’t hold diarrhea, you will not win.
bro, thanks for this. never knew you could exclude apps from being killed for memory like that. might keep my headunitreloaded from crashing.
the hydrofluoric ones absolutely do work if snaking doesn’t.
there is one at Home Depot that is a black bottle inside a plastic bag, contains hydrofluoric acid that eats all the organic material clogging the drain. etched some of the metal of the plug when I used it, pretty strong stuff. only used half a bottle, drains been clean since.
always check the opening for hair and debris, almost always the culprit. I have a set of needle nose pliers in the bathroom for this specifically.
use it as a sheath for the poop knife
he did get caught and punished. wait…
and switched to Firefox if they weren’t already using it
have had a 1070 for a decade, time to upgrade.