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Without context this is meaningless. Are you gotten blocked in Github from a specific repository? And why posting it here, what do you try to achieve?
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I felt getting ripped off by just reading the article. My recent PC build has 32 GB, is cheaper and the upgrade to 64 GB (meaning additional pair of 16 GB) only costs me around 100 Euros. It’s nice that their devices are probably more effective and need less RAM, which the iPhones proved to be correct. But that does not mean the cost of the additional RAM units are more expensive. Apple chose to make them expensive.
I just made a premature comment and deleted after starting to read the blog post. I did not expect that.
You can just transfer the files and it should find them again. I did that with Kiwix and Zeal, if I’m not mistaken. Nowadays I don’t use Zeal, but don’t remember having such a trouble when installing a new os and taking old HDD over.
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Nice website. There is also Zeal: https://zealdocs.org/ and for other type of documents. There is Kiwix: https://kiwix.org , which I use to download the entire Wikipedia.
Every software should respect your freedom, not just software that controls your body.
What makes it worse for me is, that I sometimes fall in love with a Free to Play game, instead playing “owned” titles. Then there are the even more enormous count of emulation games with ROMs… and my brother gifted me a Series S where I had tried the Game Pass trial. I don’t know where left and right is anymore.
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Sometimes I get hyped when a game is on sale and want to buy and download, to play it. But then realize I already have it and immediately loose interest and move on with my life. Humble Bundle ruined my life.
I have tons of games on Steam I forgot to have them. In example I forgot that I had Skyrim and never played it. I’ve tried it this year for the first time in my life, just to see how it is. And immadiately could not play it, because the intro was bugged and I thought its a puzzle I had to solve. Took me until I understood that I had to limit the fps to 60, because Skyrim is buggy if you play it on a 120 Hz monitor.
That’s interesting! I use RSS (and love it) and never tried this on YouTube. You know what, this is actually amazing! Right now I am visiting some channels which I do not want to miss content on and add as RSS News. Thank you for this!
The satire in me says Microsoft would have lost all Game Pass players if they did that. /s (does the s make the satire non satirical?)
Looking at the comment history of this profile, is this a spam account trying to collect likes before it casts his spam magic spells? Sorry if you are a human, but you look like a malfunctioning robot.
I actually wasn’t aware of this possibility. Thanks. That’s probably what I will do soon and stop visiting YouTube altogether.
At least we know about it.
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