jupyter notebooks, or if you’re super trendy give zerve.ai a try
jupyter notebooks, or if you’re super trendy give zerve.ai a try
those contracts take years to tender and likely have huge clawback clauses. I doubt that Labour got into power and immediately signed contracts for things like this. More likely it was more expensive to stop it.
me typing “sudo !!” instead of rewriting the shell command undoes this.
that’s ten times what it costs to install domestic solar, battery storage across all of Europe including major cities. Why is it so expensive? Panels are ~$200 each online and an inverter is $5k for a really good one.
A quick google search shows prices more in line with my expectations (sources: https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/solar/solar-panel-costs-texas/ and https://www.energysage.com/local-data/solar-panel-cost/tx/)
yes. in great numbers. and then they go on to purchase things they see. otherwise companies wouldn’t invest in them.
a pretty grafana dashboard? peak web traffic looks a lot nicer than i thought!
it’s waterproof and the battery is charged by a hand crank on the side
Twingate is another option if it’s just device to device networking and you trust all the devices that are in your network. It’s free for personal use and peer to peer so no issues with TOS if you’re streaming.