Cute curves UwU
Cute curves UwU
Lol the slave merchant wants me to have empathy
What is the distinction between that and selling hot dogs you made yourself using store bought ingredients?
Pretending to enjoy video games is work, considering how much video games suck.
Yeah if they don’t want to be a part of Russia. I struggle to sympathize with Ukraine because their government seems so similar to Russia anyway and the county basically has a fake national history.
As bad as exiling them to Egypt would be, that might at least be better than an open air prison getting bombed all the time.
I like the idea of people making sacrifices to help others. To anyone here who sacrifices to help others - i love you.
Id like to see more of that type of internationalism in the world. I think thats a great idea.
Theres no way it will ever happen tho, because neither us nor our votes decide these things. Its the capitalists who decide, and they chose a private for profit model of health insurance.
deleted by creator
Im a tankie :)
Do u want to be friends?
It sounds nice. I wish i had been born in north korea so i didnt have to qork at a coal mine to hopefully someday buy a house.
Dying for your treats
Some people live a sad life without UwU or o
It builds confidence by making you feel warm and safe.
2 out of 3 pwople in this did nothing wrong and you turn it into misanthropy. I love people but i hate redditors.
Sadsack nhilists are a plague.
It made the world so lonely.
Vaccines scary
I could see trying to change someones mind if you knew them closely, but otherwise its a waste of time. Racism and homophobia have social value because it isolates people they dont like. That is why they are open with their racism. If you try to change their mind, then not only will they not change their mind, not only will they report you to HR for harassing them, and not only will the homophobe running HR think youre a pussy, but a conga line of ugly fucking orcs is going to want to fight you now.
Its interesting you bring up the KKK, because its exactly that sort of prejudice i bring up. If you see one person say something that shocking and nobody is shocked, then they all agree. You can either realize that YOU are the outcast removed boy, or you can quit your job. If you fight it because youre the next Martin Luther King, then youll just get a bunch of harassment before you get tired and quit.
Ive lost so mqny great jobs because i thought id be openly gay in an industrial setting. Its not worth it, and neither is saying anything when cletus and jimbob are laughing about putting all thr trans people in a lathe along with the foreman. (Imagine their fake tits exploding when they hit the ground, and their wieners getting stuck in the bar! Herrherr herr herr. )
Now i keep my mouth shut and respect the fact that rednecks are subhumans that should all just be shot when they think these things. Sin e imtoo much of a pussy to go on a killing spree, i guess i just have to sit and get fucked, like how you should.
How does it honk without opening its beak?