IDF is fascist organization.
Turkish from İstanbul
Open source enthusiast
IDF is fascist organization.
I remember seeing data that over a longer timescale arrange marriages are happier, and the crossover point was sobething around 5 years.
orange pi looks very promising
It has been going on for years. Israel murders as many Palestinians as they think they can get away with.
Chinese do not fool around. I expect they will make an example of this guy.
Have they tried not giving Israel weapons to murder children?
Israel started this 70 years ago when they started taking Palestinian land at gunpoint.
DMA applies to Microsoft as well. They have been making changes.
I use ubuntu because my provider has that by default. It’s not my favourite distro these days, but gets the job done.
good regulations work. there are also lots of bad ones.
I was a happy Ubuntu user for more than a decade and I agree that it’s a good beginners distro. I am now using Manjaro, which is also very good. In fact, Manjaro might even be more beginner friendly because it support Flatpak out of the box.
I had a similar question: https://lemmy.ml/post/12919434
python is like that. someone waay smarter than you have already done this 10 years ago.
Docker makes sense if you are deploying thousands of machines in the cloud. I don’t think it makes as much sense if you have your own hardware.
Some services do have 1-line installers with docker, so those might be useful. But they usually have 1-line non-docker installers too.
Most Arab countries don’t recognize Israel already.
Desktop market is tiny compared to mobile and desktop. It makes sense they are going after that last. Given their recent successes, there is no reason why they can’t also win that market. They have won eveeywhere else.
Linux has a %100 market share in servers. It was around 4% on the Desktop. If the Chinese start adopting Linux desktop en-masse, you can see those numbers change overnight.
China now makes domestic chips for mobile and server. Desktop is not far away.
Democrats are fully onboard with Genocide too.