I’m no Windows fanboy but I have to use it quite a lot, at home and at work. I don’t know what versions or settings you guys have set up but I’ve never had a Windows update I can’t postpone, ever.
I’m no Windows fanboy but I have to use it quite a lot, at home and at work. I don’t know what versions or settings you guys have set up but I’ve never had a Windows update I can’t postpone, ever.
Most people think UNIX and Linux are the same thing so this makes sense. Obviously to us they aren’t but for most people it really doesn’t matter. I’m sure they’ll still sleep at night.
I knew a guy who did this and had to fly to Germany to fix it because he didn’t want to admit what he’d done.
I just hit 230 on my phone.
This joke is from 2002.
Look up “working holiday visas” if you’re under 30. It’s a process to encourage people to get world experience while they’re young. I’m sure if you found somewhere you liked you could then try and get something more permanent.
I was alive during the dot com bubble and I don’t think normal people even noticed it. The web was a lot less centralised back in those days and stayed that way for a while. The websites that people were actually using didn’t go anywhere when the bubble burst but there was a lot more website turnover in those days anyway. People were always moving to a better newer service and there were multiple search engines that people used. Then AltaVista turned up and that was the engine to use, until Google turned up and everyone started using that. I still remember when Google was this cool new thing that most people hadn’t heard of.
For the record it turned out to be because I hadn’t set write permissions to the hardware for my user because ChatGPT told me I only needed read permissions to be set up. This must be the first time since its conception that AI’s made a mistake.
It’s not impossible to do at all. Until you’re 30 there’s lots of countries that will let you have a working visa. There’s some cultural exposure program to encourage young people to travel the world and experience different cultures. I’m pretty sure Canada’s on it. I’m not interested in going to the States myself, I like how much room there is but the culture isn’t for me and I find the towns and cities dull.
I like travelling myself and I’m always looking to move somewhere else, being at home is just boring to me and I find it hard to settle.
If you want to make a life of it you need to look at getting some kind of job which will enable that kind of lifestyle like the military or some kind of diplomatic service.
I’ve lived overseas myself and you need to be aware that every country has good points and bad points. Something that seems like a quirk will be fucking annoying after a few years. It’s all good fun though.
Yorkshire Tea use compostable tea bags. I think most of the other big UK brands do as well but you should only be drinking Yorkshire.
Not rootless but I can see the device, and even in privileged mode it doesn’t work. I’m currently trying to find a docker image I can run as root and prove the Coral is working.
I’ve got two Thinkpads and I always use the Trackpoint. The touchpad’s gathering dust.
From reading the article it just sounds like they’re turning Thinkpads into normal laptops.
I’ve been trying to get Frigate working, on and off, for about eight months now. I’ve got a Debian server but it just won’t detect my Coral TPU inside my Podman container. Since you need such an old version of Python to test the TOU I can’t prove it’s working in the host so I don’t know if the problem’s with the drivers of either my container setup. I vowed to get it working over the Christmas break but it’s still not there.
How’d you get Haswell working? I run vainfo and it complains that it can’t recognise the chip but I’ve followed everything on the Debian wiki. When I google the error all I get is people complaining about it being the result of a bug and the responses are usually from developers promising to look into it.
The upside is that I don’t scroll down my feed and see the same post 20 times.
I get what you’re saying but surely a lot of these problems are already present. You can ban a user but they can just go create a new account on a different instance and go back to posting wherever they want.
Personally I’d like to see some kind of tracking thing so Lemmy’s aware of duplicate posts and then the client can be configured how to behave according to user preference.
Alan Wake.
I don’t know half that software you’re talking about running but I don’t find home servers really need to be that powerful. Companies like Dell and Lenovo have historically done cash back offers on small tower servers. I’m still running a Dell T20 I got like 10 years ago. Maybe keep an eye out for something like that if you’re not in a rush. I only ended up paying about £100 for mine.
Is this why green sweets are usually lime flavoured when they should all be apple flavoured?
What was wrong with Joplin? I was thinking about giving it a try.
This chart knows me.