Wait, you can’t give people food or water if they’re standing in the line? Why the hell not?
And hours in line?? What? Why!
Wait, you can’t give people food or water if they’re standing in the line? Why the hell not?
And hours in line?? What? Why!
I watched this at a local film festival and it was WILD. Dude was just a scared little narcissist his whole life.
The acting in this movie was exceptional. Definitely worth watching.
Hating people never leads to logical outcomes. I’d rather accept that they’ve been somewhat brainwashed and battle against it, than hate my neighbour.
You’re right, and this is an excellent idea. If you’re turning an asset into a cashflow, it should be taxable under all circumstances.
It’s a start. Its a modest increase in capital gains inclusion (66% instead of 50%) for all capital gains over $250,000 per year
So, good, normal people won’t be affected at all, but only super wealthy folks triggering a quarter million in gains every single year are going to feel any effect. And unfortunately, there’s more than a few ways to just avoid triggering gains anyways.
Eh, at least it’s a start.
Hasn’t been a good castrati in Opera for fucking years smh
Those are the people making America great again!
Now why some of these other US based publications are toeing the line set by Khare is baffling.
The answer is pretty much always “money”.
Great quote. God that was such a damning interview.
The cynical-but-statistically-true answer is that this law targets the people that they want to put in jail / don’t want to vote. It’s a historical, systemically racist piece of law that benefits the incumbents and status quo.
Otherwise they’d have to consider putting people like themselves in prison, or prosecute white collar crime, and that just won’t stand for the GOP.
Can’t let the disproportionately-PoC, vote-stripped, prison slave population drop after all.
LOL, this dude’s been lucky enough to never read a strategically worded political poll apparently.
All polls are inherently biased in their wording. Almost no poll-makers are non-partisan, and the people most likely to complete polls are often the most biased.
Statistics baybeee! They’ll tell you whatever you want if you structure your intake datum properly!
They aren’t throwing brood mares in jail for not foaling
That’s a really good response / addition for addition context. Thank you.
Speedrun pissing off bootlickers any%
Too bad a bunch of ignorant fucks have voluntarily stopped taking perfectly good and reasonable vaccines, leading to outbreaks where none need have happened.
Eat shit and die, Andrew Wakefield, for being an enormous fraud and generally awful human being. I hope you and all the vaccine deniers that were inspired by you die in some sort of searing hot liquid plastic accident.
Denial is what the Christians teach immediately after Shame
They’ve got the biggest and best resume when it comes to colonizin; can’t let all that experience go to waste!
Suggestions for best LED bulbs that are not a waste of money because they were designed to break would be enormously appreciated.