would the bomb also kill javascript and C++ or would I have to keep throwing trolleys at it until I get both silicon valley and the JS/C++ devs?
would the bomb also kill javascript and C++ or would I have to keep throwing trolleys at it until I get both silicon valley and the JS/C++ devs?
also, your own code after you’ve spent time away from it.
So there were Americans who had the right skills and qualifications otherwise how would you be able to lay off anyone?
Woah that’s crazy how did you add the Kill Bill siren sound to your comment?
In revenge for reminding me of Frontpage I will also mention Dreamweaver. God just the memory of trying to clean up copy text someone edited in Frontpage is giving me nausea.
Thanks, but the reason I don’t have to imagine is because that job is a memory.
People genuinely thought ColdFusion would allow untrained businessmen to make complex websites with no coding, only markup. It could generously be described as a “web framework”, and it was released in 1995.
Haha yeah… imagine… right.
There’s no gecko without Netscape either, but one of those isn’t around anymore.
firefox is not gecko, but yeah there is a depressing lack of viable alternatives
The situation is always more complicated than a single graph can represent. Which is why I’m taking this in consideration with other context, and it’s solidifying my impression that Mozilla is failing and I need to find a firefox alternative before they shit it up further chasing money to pay their CEO a ridiculously inflated “market rate”. What good is some theoretical increased profitability (they’re a non-profit!) if all it does is serve to further inflate already inflated compensation packages?
Does it make sense for a CEO to be paid more while the business they manage dwindles?
People from outside the industry have seen a profit opportunity and decided to invest. As investors, they think they’re smarter than everyone else, even the people they pay to do things for them. Since they have no attachment to games as a medium they’re wowed by flashy visuals, and since investors have the money you need to produce a game, you cater to their tastes if you want to get paid.
In service for two months, operational for 20 days.
They taught you about pointers in high school? The only course available to me that even touched on programming just covered how to use C to do conditionals, read keyboard input, and print text to a terminal. The bulk of the course was learning MS Office.
They tore it down after it showed up in the background of the victory pics they took after killing tons of civilians and a few hostages to “save” four hostages.
During its operation it produced about the same tons of aid per day as ten trucks. For comparison in August 2024 Israel was still allowing around 500 trucks of aid per day past their blockade, down to around 70 now.
it must have taken a lot to enrage a person who can’t bring themselves to use a stronger insult than “buttheads” to the point they wrote a letter like this.
leeches also have a useful medical purpose, which is a pretty major distinction.
doesn’t seem to have stopped them from locking functionality that does not require an internet conneciton behind an internet connection, so i don’t see why they would care.
win win win