I got the PS4 disc for like 15€ new
I got the PS4 disc for like 15€ new
For humans, but not necessarily for camera-based autonomous cars? They also can’t just stop on a highway to prevent accidents.
I could see accidents being more likely for autonomous cars on highways though
I’ve been using it for a while as well. I often put concert tickets and stuff like that there
Among Us. But it was free and I only needed a couple of rounds to figure out I don’t enjoy it much
I’d love that, but imo ALttP is the one in most dire need of a proper remake
As someone who watches the WAN show semi-regularly, I do not get the same vibe from their relationship as you do
By going through your browser history to figure out which pornsite messed with your driver obviously
Neat thing I learned recently: create and attach a second virtual disk for data, set it to writethrough mode in virtualbox. That way it is excluded from snapshots and rollbacks.
No, you can’t have mandatory payment for DRM-free media. That’s why all bookstores operate on an honour system and let you walk out of the store without paying for the books you take with you.
A greedy asshole who thought himself a genius?
Another proof for publishers that they only need big promises and nice trailers to sell their game, nevermind the state they ship it in
That’s the thing. They don’t make their camera app available to third party ROMs despite officially cooperating with one, and they also haven’t made the camera’s features available to third party camera apps. So for me, being on CalyxOS myself, that announcement email read like a joke.